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Sold it Sad

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  • Sold it Sad

    Due to moving from the mountains to town centre Nice I sold my Hilux.

    It was a 95 gen 2 Man in OK....condition, bits of rust on front wing and the base of the doors.
    I only had it one year but did 25000kms on mainly long trips it never used any oil or water.

    All I did to it was a thorough surf service incl. Toyota red coolant, thermostat and rad cap, fan oil, cambelt, plus the usual idiot previous owner stuff, starter contacts, rear window slides, lug centric balance x4, and of course oil changes every 10k.

    I optimistically put it up for €2500 here in France, no MOT, complete PITA to re register without European certificate of compliance which it hasn't got being a Jap model.

    Well could of sold it three times over put it in toooo cheap. A similar condition 4 runner goes for around €5000 (seen some advertised at €7500 over here). Sold for asked price to a really cool black guy who works in Paris and Tahiti where he'll send it to live the rest of it's life

    I am genuinely sad to see it go it took us on holiday, delivered a big motorbike a few thousand kms and moved house for me but french wife can't deal with RHD .... she can barely deal with LHD.

    If I see an interesting manual I will probably snap one up again as I and the French don't really like autos.

    I will be hanging about still - but thanks to all contributors here for this site and all the help that is here it made the ownership of this great car alot easier and more pleasant.

    (The big laugh is that we've decided even to sell madame's excellent Yaris Verso and keep the '75 VW camper for our only vehicle - that'll be fun for her!)
    Last edited by Ploddit; 17 March 2012, 15:40.

  • #2
    Did I see it on Leboncoin?
    Can't believe you got €2500 for it. If all else fails at least I know I can get shot of mine for a reasonble price.

    Bon courage



    • #3
      Yes you would have in Nice.

      I can't believe the prices over here theres a guy selling a surf for parts no papers for €3500

      If you want I've got a girl in the Var who wanted mine badly at €2500 I thought you had a LHD 4 runner?


      • #4
        No I had a RHD runner,and sold it on and bought a RHD Surf.....Doh!!
        I'm going through the sh1t of Imatriculation now!!! If it all goes curly I'll give you a shout!!



        • #5
          Once you've got the ONE phone number for the ONE guy in the DRIRE, Paris that can do something....let me know!

          Couldn't you just use the 4 runner numbers to get a CoC and rivet the plaque on?

