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Smokey Morning

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  • Smokey Morning

    My truck didnt start first time this morning, i was shocked and worried he he.
    2nd attempt it fired up and filled the street with smoke but it carried on to be perfect all day.
    BUT its had me thinking all day, what if somethings wrong so i just washed it and put it to bed.
    Life is a adventure, make it count 4x4 style

  • #2
    Glowplugs are going bad.


    • #3
      Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
      Glowplugs are going bad.
      Cool, change out pending
      Life is a adventure, make it count 4x4 style


      • #4
        Top tip
        Thanks for that Vince !!

        10+ Years of Surfs .... n Faultless to a " T " is my Yota
        Buncefield Burner


        • #5
          Ok i get the bit about the Glowplugs but ive just seen the beast driven away to be cleaned inside ect and it looks real fab lol but changing from 1st to 2nd i noticed to much fumes. would that be just down to the glow plugs, its shortly going in for new clutch but only because of a slight oil leak (seal replacement). sos i just get worried with it being a 2nd Gen.
          Life is a adventure, make it count 4x4 style


          • #6
            Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
            Glowplugs are going bad.
            Sorry for the thread hijack but mine too smokes a fair bit at start up, I just put new Denso glow plugs in about a month back and changed all my filters and oil at the weekend. Should I prepare for a new head?



            • #7
              Smoke colour would be helpfull


              • #8
                Sorry missed that bit , not quite Black more of a Dark Grey sort of colour.



                • #9
                  Mine seems ok, pritty much white/gray, well i hope thats ok just not had this since i bought it. this is the 2nd day it didnt start first time but then started and cleared its throught with a cloud of smoke.
                  Oh and its been very frosty both mornings if that says anything
                  Last edited by Ste; 5 March 2012, 18:44.
                  Life is a adventure, make it count 4x4 style

