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Sticky brakes

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  • #16
    Originally posted by BAV1 View Post
    do you have any more info on overhauling the callipers
    Hi BAV1

    Heres some pics of when I did mine last year:-

    As nev says it's difficult to know the condition untill they are on the bench,but with the recent snow and salt spread on the roads,if the dust seals are knacked then the pistons could well be sticking.Order a sets of pins as well unless yours are in good condition.

    First shot is pads removed and I used the brake pedal to pump the pistons out,with the pads removed. If a piston is stuck and you try to remove it on the bench you'll be very luck to get it out.

    Second shot shows the pistons in all their glory.

    Next pistons pulled out (with a pair of pipe grips) and polished with very fine emory paper+pick out all the old seals from inside the calipers.

    Reassemble the caliper lubricating all the seals with clean brake fluid. The pistons can be a struggle to get back in,but be carefull not to twist or dislodge the ring seals.

    Coat of paint,new pads,pins and bleed the system,Job done.

    Good Luck




    • #17
      that is VERY helpful Mark thanks alot



      • #18
        OK guys so heres an update

        took drivers side wheel off as would not free wheel spent 3 hours getting pads out outside pad came out dead easy after evetually freeing bottom pin

        but engine side pad was stuck solid eventually got it out and new pads in

        no chhh chhh chhhh noise (low wear indictators not yet proud of disk surface)
        no shudder
        no pulling
        brakes MUCH more responsive

        as an added bonus my geabox issues also seem to have been resolved WOOOHOO as no problem for over a week can only assume gearbox was sensing load from stuck brake

        however just thought I would cycle through low4 gears just to cycle oil but this has brought my gear problems back straight away

        I'm thinking maybe an issue with the ADD system does anyone have any thoughts

        thanks for all you help so far i know it must be something stupid as problems for months , fix brakes and goes away for a week no flashing O/D light or anything, then put it in low couple of meters back and forth in a straight line and gear probs back

        can anyone think of a link I'm thinking ADD or VAC problem has anyone done the ADD mod with the jubliee clip I'm thinking maybe its engaging 4wd as will pull away in 4wd without issue but not disengaging correctly (put all drive should be coming from rear wheels when 4wd disengaged)

        cheers guys
        Last edited by BAV1; 7 March 2012, 12:49.


        • #19


          • #20
            i know you think new box is next but seems to much of a coincidence as wasnt working before i jacked up to fix brake and worked for over a week after fixing even all the old triggers didnt affect it

            but as soon as i used L4 it has brought the issue back



            • #21

              I know I'm a total feckwit but the answer's obvious ...

              You've already accepted that you don't know enough to properly diagnose your problem so you've thrown it open to the masses of experts on this forum.

              Instead of ignoring their advice and applying your own certain diagnostics skills why not stop wasting your time and everybody elses and follow the instructions previously posted by Vince et al ???

              Life is too important to take seriously !


              • #22
                all I'm trying to say guys is that it has worked for over a week without a single issue after doing the brakes hasnt worked for longer than an hour previously for over a year and i dont believe in cioncidences

                and then as soon as i use L4 it started again this to me doesnt point towards faulty box as surely it would do it all the time without exception sounds more like ADD or VAC could be playing a part

                sorry if there are some who have run out of patience or ideas thanks for all your help so far

                however is there anyone with some fresh ideas of potential causes or fixes

                cheers guys


                • #23

                  As you're a highly skilled IT engineer you'll know that when you're diagnosing multiple and/or intermittent faults returning to first principles is a MUST if you've changed something and the symptoms have altered in any way ...

                  Life is too important to take seriously !


                  • #24
                    IMHO as you struggled like fcuk just to change some pads do you really think you should tackle the ADD mod.
                    Do yourself a favour listen to the adults i have found their knowledge and advice to be spot on, or fire your truck down to amazingstoke.

                    Blunt perhaps but I am hungry and grumpy
                    Last edited by shokenore; 7 March 2012, 19:26. Reason: Feisty that one


                    • #25
                      so how does a brake pad being fused to the caliper in any way reflect my technical ability wasnt that i didn't know how to do it but that everything was seized

                      funny how you mention the word "adults" I find that quiet amusing

                      suppose it is immature of me expecting constructive advice from a forum will fix it myself and leave you all to your games

                      suppose the grown up thing would be to not feed my kids for a week purchase a gearbox pay to have it fitted and see no difference

                      thanks to all that helped though much appreciated
                      Last edited by BAV1; 7 March 2012, 20:45.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by BAV1 View Post
                        so how does a brake pad being fused to the caliper in any way reflect my technical ability wasnt that i didn't know how to do it but that everything was seized

                        funny how you mention the word "adults" I find that quiet amusing

                        suppose it is immature of me expecting constructive advice from a forum will fix it myself and leave you all to your games

                        suppose the grown up thing would be to not feed my kids for a week purchase a gearbox pay to have it fitted and see no difference

                        thanks to all that helped though much appreciated

                        If you look back through your posts you will see quite a few mention the fact that your brake pads are fubared.Don't go looking for expensive ,complicated answers until you have ruled out the cheap easy ones first.
                        It would have cost you fcuk all to pull a wheel off and have a look but instead you prevaricated by asking further questions.
                        You may have noticed the SEARCH feature in the top right of the the page.USE IT.
                        You may also notice other words like General or Technical perhaps posting your question in the correct place may help and you may have got a more direct answer.

                        Generally posts in the General section are sometimes not treated with the obvious importance that you wish they had.

                        I suggested brake pads as I had the CHH CHH CHH noise from my brakes.I change the pads and hey presto the noise went away.

                        With regards to your "adult" comment if you had bothered to read the post you would have seen that I suggested IMHO that you should take the advice of the adults here,and I repeat I very much doubt that they have yet not come across the problems that you illiterated to.

                        I would suggest to you that your response is far from mature,as my well fed children often say to me "man up" perhaps you should do the same.
                        YOU have had VERY constructive advice from this forum , a forum which if your profile is correct you joined back in 2006 of which you have had at least 4 years free advice, if you choose to ignore that advice as an "adult" that is your prerogative.

                        I would also suggest that if you think the grown up thing to do would be to choose to not feed your children can I expect your appearance on day time tv's "fix the truck or feed the kids" episode of J K?

                        I amongst other have tried to help , perhaps before you throw all your toys out of your cot you should re read your posts and the replies?


                        • #27

                          I am far from being an adult BUT I know enough to eliminate the simple and no cost options before digging into my wallet ...

                          I seem to recall that somebody couldn't be arsed with checking for fault codes despite the fact that if nothing was found then it would eliminate a significant number of faults not to mention the distinct possibility that it could point to the source of at least one of his problems

                          At the very start of my 35+ year electronic/IT career I made the mistake of skipping the basics and ended up with a large amount of egg on my face - I learnt from the mistake

                          Always remember that experience is learning from your mistakes - WISDOM is learning from other peoples !

                          With luck you've provided several people with the opportunity to display wisdom

                          Life is too important to take seriously !

