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ATTN SI TATE or other ecig users

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  • ATTN SI TATE or other ecig users

    Simon, In Dec 2009 you declared that you were off the fags and were using an e cigarette to stave off the cravings. Are you still off the fags, and if so has the ecig also gone.
    I,m interested because I quit the fags 3 weeks ago and Im also using an ecig to stave off the odd craving, so far its all working fine, but Im hoping the ecig will also go eventually.
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  • #2
    5 years off the fags, used patches for one week. This time I really wanted to quit, all my other efforts were because other people told me to give it up.
    Good luck mate, its worth it


    • #3
      Originally posted by smurfL6 View Post
      5 years off the fags, used patches for one week. This time I really wanted to quit, all my other efforts were because other people told me to give it up.
      Good luck mate, its worth it
      Thank you for that. Im finished now, no question in my mind, I,ll never go back, If I ever have a moment of weakness ( which could happen, especially when theres beer involved ) I,ll keep the ecig handy
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      • #4
        What's the ecig taste/feel like ?

        Does it drag with same resistance as a proper fag ?

        I've seen some really cheap on ebay

        Where did you get yours from ? Link plz


        • #5
          Depends very much on the cig you get, the choice is immense. The resistance I'd say is a little less than a standard cigarette and the vapour's a fair bit lighter than smoke.

          Flavour's up to you I love the uber minty ones.

          I use the lookalike (reallis) e-cigs from www.Liberro.co.uk but the battery life isn't great on them so I have 2 batteries, one in use and one on charge in my portable charging doodad.

          Cheapy ones tend to be very variable in quality.


          • #6


            What Chris W said. I think that for it to work you have to WANT to stop the fags. Im not so sure it will work if you are hoping that getting one will make you want to quit.
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            • #7
              That's my big problem, I still enjoy a smoke now and again.

              The e-cigs have helped cut down my smoking to 3-4 'analogue' cigs in the evenings and have helped me stop smoking in the car. I don't smoke in the house because I hate the smell.


              • #8
                Ecig? how gay is that?

                Do you sit in the boozer and order a 'latte' or a non alcoholic beer then nip out for an ecig?

                But it does make you look hard.

                Sent from the iPad you "lost"


                • #9
                  [QUOTE=slobodan;756128]Ecig? how gay is that?

                  Do you sit in the boozer and order a 'latte' or a non alcoholic beer then nip out for an ecig?

                  nah, lattes are for girls. a creme de menthe frappe is better
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                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Bogus View Post

                    nah, lattes are for girls. a creme de menthe frappe is better
                    Haha, Good luck with it man, I gave up (tobacco) 3 years ago.

                    Probably the hardest thing I've ever done.

                    Sent from the iPad you "lost"


                    • #11
                      Right you e-ciggers ... time to step up to the plate and do a video review


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Bogus View Post
                        Simon, In Dec 2009 you declared that you were off the fags and were using an e cigarette to stave off the cravings. Are you still off the fags, and if so has the ecig also gone.
                        I,m interested because I quit the fags 3 weeks ago and Im also using an ecig to stave off the odd craving, so far its all working fine, but Im hoping the ecig will also go eventually.
                        I know this is a pi$$ poor excuse but I broke the E-cig & ended up buying some fags, yes I am weak & a total wash out.

                        The E-cig was working well for me & if I had been that little bit stronger I would have eventually stopped using it aswell but hay hoo, I'll try again soon when I'm in the right frame of mind.
                        If its not broke don't fix it.


                        • #13
                          Hey guys, how long does each cartridge last and how long do the atomisers last please... I think i might get the screwdriver with 510 atomiser..


                          • #14
                            Anyone still using one ?


                            • #15
                              Wonder if anyone makes "E" cider?........
                              " Time wounds all heels ".

