Ok, seeing as my current insurer E Car messed me about last year i'm currently doing the online form filling game again and i'm constantly finding that my surf doesn't exist or that it's the rarest of beasts a "HiLux Supra".
The results of "find my vehicle" never match my truck, it's an N reg ssrx 3.0l td automatic KZN130, yet when i put 2980cc it always comes up as a manual gearbox and when i select automatic geabox it comes up as a 2.5l.
Does any one know why this happens, perhaps the gearbox has been changed from manual to auto at some point though i can't see why any one would got to that much effort. I don't know why it makes a difference to the insurance between manual and automatic.
Can any one shed some light on what may be happening, thanks.
The results of "find my vehicle" never match my truck, it's an N reg ssrx 3.0l td automatic KZN130, yet when i put 2980cc it always comes up as a manual gearbox and when i select automatic geabox it comes up as a 2.5l.
Does any one know why this happens, perhaps the gearbox has been changed from manual to auto at some point though i can't see why any one would got to that much effort. I don't know why it makes a difference to the insurance between manual and automatic.
Can any one shed some light on what may be happening, thanks.