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  • Hello there!

    Just joined up as am getting a Surf in the next couple of months. Long-time 4x4 owner but never had a Toyota before.

    One thing I have been wondering concerns relative prices for second-hand Surfs. I have checked on here but not found an answer yet...

    Most from the mid 90s sell for £2-3k and yet here and there you see ones that are much newer for the same price. Same engine size (3.0L), same spec, but younger and still £2-3k. And no, this is not on Autotrader. It's anywhere.

    What is the wrinkle?? Grateful of any tips.

    Looks like a great forum - lookiing forward to getting to know you a bit more.


  • #2

    All the usual reasons:

    1. The seller hasn't a clue
    2. Time of year - they tend to cost more if people are worried about snow
    3. The seller wants to shift it quickly
    4. There's a problem with it
    5. The seller is trying it on
    6. The seller is a philanthropist and just wants to help you get a decent motor cheap

    There's probably a few reasons I've left out but that's a quick summary

    Good luck in your hunt BUT if it's dirt cheap 4. could cost you BIG money

    Life is too important to take seriously !


    • #3
      Hi and welcome.

      Keep an eye on the surfs for sale section on here, most are well looked
      after and priced about right too.

      Good luck with your search.
      Still on a mission.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Predictable Bob View Post
        6. The seller is a philanthropist and just wants to help you get a decent motor cheap


        • #5
          I'm currently in the market for a gen 3, I have been doing some great research on the forum since I've joined and as a result I have found I will pay a trip to AK motors (adamken on eBay I think). He seems to have a few decent trucks according to some members on here. Not many gen 3's seem to pop up in the for sale section here but I suppose it's a waiting game.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Jay_jnr View Post
            I'm currently in the market for a gen 3, I have been doing some great research on the forum since I've joined and as a result I have found I will pay a trip to AK motors (adamken on eBay I think). He seems to have a few decent trucks according to some members on here. Not many gen 3's seem to pop up in the for sale section here but I suppose it's a waiting game.
            Got my 3rd gen off him, had some prob`s with the first one i got but he took it back and gave me another. Had it almost a year and i`m well happy with it


            • #7
              Have a look in the For Sale section from the Home Page - Dave1964 has just put a tidy looking Gen3 on there a couple of days ago.

              Nick...... Turning Japanese, I really think so !!


              • #8
                Welcome Jon. Enjoy the forum.
                " Time wounds all heels ".


                • #9
                  Thank you everyone Appreciate your trouble responding.

                  Yes, I had wondered about looking up AK as he is quite near my in-laws. That, or buying on here. The one you mention that's just gone on I think it's in Norfolk isn't it? Wish I was flush right now as that's my county as well.

                  So, from what I can gather even at 16 or older the Surf is still a goer? I had a 17 year-old Bighorn which had to go in the end as it had 4WD probs and had sprung a few expensive leaks.

                  I'm going to reveal the true extent if my ignorance here, but how come the Hilux is double the price of the Surf? What is the difference if any?

                  Edit: Just noticed Knicko is from Redruth. Small world! That's where I went to school.

