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Engine Hoist

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  • Engine Hoist

    Bit of a long shot, but does anyone in/around the Southampton area have an engine hoist I could borrow? A friends car (not a Surf) has decided to eat it's gear box. Would ideally need it a week or two to sort his car.


  • #2
    I've got one Tim, when would you need it as one of my friends needs to pull the engine out of a scrapper sometime soon (maybe this weekend).

    What car has your mate got?


    • #3
      Good man! In return we would supply you with beer! Or anything else you may drink instead

      We are hoping to start work as soon as possible but we will obviously work around you, if your mate needs it this weekend then we can wait. Perhaps collect next week one evening if he's finished with it? Allowing us to start the work next weekend or even in the evenings.

      He has a Nissan Pulsar that he's spent a lot of money under the bonnet (it's RAPID), but it appears the clutch has given up so we need to extract it and then see what the damage is.


      • #4
        Ouch! I hear the ol' Pulsars are a PITA to work on when it comes to gearboxes and clutches.

        I'll see what Stu wants to do this weekend and let you know.


        • #5
          Should be finished with the crane this weekend Tim.

          I've bought a couple of lifting strops to go with it and have a short chain as well.

          If you want I could run it over to you, it'll save having to manhandle the damn thing out of the back of the Surf when I get home on Sunday.


          • #6
            Legend! I don't mind coming to you, I'm Southampton way so I don't want you to go through the hassle of dropping it off. Friend (who's car has broken) said he would drive down with me to help load it in the truck.

            Either way I'm easy. Do you want to text me when your available to collect/drop? [number woz ere] and we can make a plan.

            Thanks again!
            Last edited by LCR225; 18 January 2012, 09:31.


            • #7
              If needed, on reserve, I have one and will lend it to you..... however its down to you to collect and return.


              • #8
                Hi SammyK - Thanks for the offer, Chris sorted us out with one last night.

                Thanks again Chris


                • #9
                  No worries Tim, always happy to help .

