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this is getting silly (insurance)

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  • this is getting silly (insurance)

    Hello guys, just wondered if anyone can help me out, I'm 24, live in dartford, kent. own a 3.0TD 93' Surf. My insurance is due and i can't get a decent quote, everything I'm getting is £1500 and over. This is as much as the car is worth. Last year i got Fully comp for under £900....
    I have seen a post on here by someone else saying Sureterm gave them a good quote, i got a quote for £1700 from them

    Anyone else had problems and how did you get round it/who did you go with?


  • #2
    Admiral worked out cheapest for me. About half any other quote I had. Ask about multicar if you have another vehicle.


    • #3
      Just get third party insurance. Fully comp is only worth it if your truck is worth a lot


      • #4
        Ive been finding third party is the same price as fully comp :S


        • #5
          Fully comprehensive insurance is often cheaper than TPF&T. Third party only is almost impossible to get these days.
          Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


          • #6
            I've been finding that lately too. I'm considering getting a cheap runaround for the wife to learn to drive in and fully comp is working out cheaper than TPF&T or TPO by a fair bit (TPO is two or three times the price of fully comp!). Seems counter-intuitive but there you go!

            The other way I've found to get cheaper quotes is to say that your vehicle has a much higher value than you really think it's worth.

            I've been looking at sub £500 cars (Nissan Micra, Citroen Saxo, Peugot 106, Ford Ka/Fiesta - that sorta thing) and if you tag an extra 1 at the start to make the estimated value of the car £1500 it seems to be saving me about £100 or so.

            I've managed to get fully comp quotes under £500 (26 year old female, suburban location, provisional licence and zero no-claims). That isn't much more than I'm paying for the Surf with 7 years no-claims.

            It pays to play around with the online quote websites to see what makes the insurance price change (obviously without lying - just exaggerating things!). Have you tried adding an older relative/friend as an additional driver to see if that reduces the price?


            • #7
              Have you tried Adrian flux? I'm 25 with 5 years no claims and the truck has a cat 1 alarm on it and is parked on street over night, and they did me a quote of 510 for TPFT which went up to 600 with my modifications and protected no claims .every other company wanted at least DOUBLE that .Adrian flux give a discount if you mention your a member of the surf owners club .do a search for them on here and read the info there is a contact number to good luck
              Always up to my neck in it


              • #8
                Originally posted by ezza24 View Post
                Have you tried Adrian flux? I'm 25 with 5 years no claims and the truck has a cat 1 alarm on it and is parked on street over night, and they did me a quote of 510 for TPFT which went up to 600 with my modifications and protected no claims .every other company wanted at least DOUBLE that .Adrian flux give a discount if you mention your a member of the surf owners club .do a search for them on here and read the info there is a contact number to good luck

                Guess what's at the top of this page!

                There's a search button too.


                • #9
                  The conspiracy theorist in me believes that insurers, or some other information gathering agency, has algorithms that trawl the motoring sites for folk admitting to 'indiscretions'. Once they find someone admitting to eating a sandwich and hitting a snow drift, whilst speeding (as an example), it's a simple job to find out exactly who they are and adjust their premiums accordingly.

                  Same with the breakers on here and eBay; accident damaged truck being broken by the owner, no record of an accident, so the owner has had a smash but didn't report it. A dead simple gotcha.
                  Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                  • #10
                    Adrian flux quoted £1590 with no mods declared so even with the discount it's still a lot of money


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by bullet513 View Post
                      Adrian flux quoted £1590 with no mods declared so even with the discount it's still a lot of money
                      Try declaring the mods, they'll use a specialist insurer that way.
                      Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                      • #12
                        It could be worth talking to brokers.

                        I paid €330 fully comp (commercial; my surf only has no rear seats) to AXA this year (I had a write off last year, but I had my no claims protected) through a broker. A friend of ours working in AXA was quoting me €550.

                        The figures for my wifes policy on her Freelander were similar. I can't figure out how the broker was cheaper than the company direct.

                        It may be similar in Britain.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by bullet513 View Post
                          Adrian flux quoted £1590 with no mods declared so even with the discount it's still a lot of money

                          Phone them again at a different time of day, you might get a lower quote.
                          I'm convinced depends on who answers the phone as to whether you get a higher or lower quote.

                          p.s. On-line quotes are always higher, phone them instead.


                          • #14
                            Last edited by BUSHWHACKER; 6 January 2012, 01:59.


                            • #15
                              Cheers, I've sent him an email so hopefully he can sort out a good deal for me

