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New snorkel fitted, its soooo shiny!!!

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  • New snorkel fitted, its soooo shiny!!!

    Hello all from the other side of the world, just a bit of another usless thread but more of an update to my old thread "http://www.hiluxsurf.co.uk/showthread.php?t=74079"
    Snorkels fitted now and just thought ild post a few completed photos for you to drool over, and/or criticize? let me know what ya think.
    I didnt want the standard plastic ones that every man and his dog has so went a little less subtle lol
    Attached Files
    Its a new truck, Because every parts been replaced

  • #2
    Thats pretty sweet mate..

    Back in the day Baby


    • #3
      I like that, looks awesome!
      More Lift.
      More Tyres.
      More Engine.


      • #4
        What happened at the end? You were doing so well and then ended it with exactly the material you were avoiding?

        Nice job BTW
        "B.A." Baracus: "Talk to me, talk sense so I can talk back. Not all this jibberjabber like breaking the peace and all that."


        • #5
          Yep, looks great.
          If its not broke don't fix it.


          • #6
            Looks great!

            Is there a drain hole in the hose bend that connects onto the air filter can?
            Looks like water/rain could get in where the pipe goes through the wing and get to the filter.


            • #7
              Looking Good, Nice one !!

              10+ Years of Surfs .... My Yota is Faultless to a " T "
              Buncefield Burner


              • #8
                Originally posted by Wolfracer View Post
                What happened at the end? You were doing so well and then ended it with exactly the material you were avoiding?

                Nice job BTW
                it only arrived in the post this weekend so havent replaced the snorkel hat yet, will do soon

                and theres no drain holes in the pipe, those are the rubber washers on the bolts holding it the the body

                im certainly happy with the way its turned out though, looks great and has taken out all the engine noise from the cab, its so quiet now
                Its a new truck, Because every parts been replaced


                • #9
                  ok I need all your ideas yet again, took it out for a test run today, works a treat BUT,,,,,,now I keep getting water in my alternator!
                  What the best way of playing in water yet not frying your alternator? what do you guys do?

                  (not going deep yet its just splashing on it and stopping it working for a few mins so all the dash lights up like a christmas tree)
                  Its a new truck, Because every parts been replaced


                  • #10
                    Don't know about others (I've heard some conflicting advice) I spay mine with (fine mist around the alternator, not directly in it) with WD40 while its running n seems to do the trick .... so far hope I haven't cursed it now !!

                    10+ Years of Surfs .... My Yota is faultless to a " T "
                    Buncefield Burner

