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Phone scam

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  • Phone scam

    There is a landline scam going around. It goes like this. Somone will phone on your landline demanding money, they`ll give you a convincing reason then say "if you dont belive me i`ll cut you off for a minute to prove it" So you put the phone down on them and try to dial out. Nothing will happen due to the scammer not putting the phone down at their end.The person who initiates a call is the one who has to terminate it so all they have to do is keep their mouth shut and it sounds like your cut off. Then they`ll phone back to try to make you cough up.

  • #2
    It's an old one that but people still fall for it.
    If its not broke don't fix it.


    • #3
      Originally posted by si tate View Post
      It's an old one that but people still fall for it.
      When you say 'people' do you mean 'retards'?


      • #4
        Originally posted by Sancho View Post
        When you say 'people' do you mean 'retards'?
        I did but i was trying to be polite.
        If its not broke don't fix it.

