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Grrrrrr. Siezed lower arm bushes...

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  • Grrrrrr. Siezed lower arm bushes...

    I decided this week to fit some bits to the truck and give the suspension a thorough once over...

    New upper and lower ball joints, replacement driveshafts and new front bushes booked in for an alignment on Friday morning....

    Monday was written off due to waiting for a courier before I could pop to the shops and get a 35mm socket... Tuesday rained lots so I had a good crack at it today...

    All the ball joints have come apart beautifully... lower arm bolts came out beautifully (although it is a massive pain having to move the steering rack to remove the rear ones) I haven’t removed the top ball joint bases from the hub part yet... so that could still be a pain..

    Either way now I'm stuck and at the point where I might have to put it back together or carry on... I hate back tracking...

    Does anyone have any hints for "unseizing" the adjustment cams from the bush? I have tried WD-40 soak and leaning on it with a breaker bar... I’m not fussed about trashing the bush; I can’t really get a decent blow with a hammer as space is tight. I don’t really want to start using the blow torch as there is too much “stuff” that is local that won’t take to well to it.

    Do I have any realistic options other than ordering new adjustment cam tubey bits (what ever they are called!) and cutting the old ones in half? I really wanted to get it done for the alignment appointment on Friday morning.... and new parts will knacker that!

    Any help appreciated!
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  • #2
    "Camber Adjuster Sleeve Bolt & Nut" £40 a piece plus VAT & post from Rough trax.

    Times 4.

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    • #3
      I guess no one has any suggestions then... cutting it is. I'll leave them for now as teh bushes are intact and I need the truck back together before the snow reaches us.

      Next hurdle... trying to remove the upper ball joint from the hub assembly... My pullers apear to have disintegrated and it is stuck fast. Any hints on this one?

      I wish I'd just left it now.. it drove!
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      • #4
        For the sake of the search engine, and to keep talking to myself

        New lower camber tubes are under £80 for all four from Toyota, I have ordered some and will cut out the old ones. It doesn't cover the full kit mentioned above, but I was able to save the bolts and washers so didn't need it.

        The top ball joints were removed using a large hammer (actually it is a mini sledge with a cut down handle), WD-40 and some heat. I refitted them using a three leg puller.

        One of the US sites suggested leaving the new ball joints in the freezer the night before. I'm not sure how much it helped but I tried it anyway.

        All back together now, happy to answer any questions if anyone else is going to attempt this. The truck feels far tighter at the front now, and ride better and quieter, - it'll be better still once the bottoms are done and a full geometry has been done.
        More Lift.
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