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Hello dazandcaz

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  • Hello dazandcaz

    Nice to meet you today ! Hope you enjoyed your visit ?

    Last edited by John h; 28 November 2011, 20:18. Reason: wrong form of address
    Death rides a Black Horse

  • #2
    Hi John, it was great. I bet the place was quiet after all the beavers left! Nice pic of the trucks, i hope you can post it up. It would be nice to meet up sometime and maybe even get a sit in the reo.

    Non consternationes.


    • #3
      Hello Daz,

      going to get a new cable so I can download pics

      Your group were very well behaved ! It's the ghosties we have to have words with on many occasions ! They come ghost hunting at pre arranged meeting nights and leave a trail of mayhem oh and a few bumped heads when things go crash in the night !!!

      Let us know when you have time, bring your lad and you can take the Reo for a run round the estate...manual no powered steering but lots of whistling turbo and 6x6 !!!
      Death rides a Black Horse


      • #4
        That sounds awsome! Thanks for the offer, i'll give you a shout over the next few weeks to try to arrange it

        Thanks Dazza
        Non consternationes.

