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Buying a laptop From Tesco Direct

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  • Buying a laptop From Tesco Direct

    Buying a laptop From Tesco Direct.....
    .....how hard can it be?

    So, a friend of mine decided to drag himself into the 21st century, and connect up to t'internet.
    He asked me to get him a laptop, and on Friday Sept 30th Tesco sent me an email with a £50 off laptops voucher, so on Saturday October 1st I ordered an ASUS Corei3 laptop for the princely sum of £289 delivered, and he ordered his b/band which would go live on Oct 14 (that's today).

    I received the order confirmation which promised next-day delivery, (and I checked on the website which confirmed that if ordered before 3pm on Sunday the item would be delivered next-day). Tesco took the money from my card account on Oct 3rd.

    The order was not delivered on Monday, so I rang Tues and was told it would be delivered that day, On checking the website I had my doubts, as the "Your Tesco Orders" page showed "At warehouse - dispatching soon" , so I rang again in the late afternoon.

    This time the CS advisor said she did not know when the order would be delivered, would I like her to ring the supplier to see if she could find out? After waiting she said they couldn't tell her because they only kept the next ten orders on their system at any time. I asked her how I was expected to to available to sign for a delivery when Tesco could give me no idea when the delivery date would be. I told her I'd already waited in all that day, and had to go out on Wednesday.

    "All right, would you like to cancel the order then?" she said

    "What! No, " I replied, " I want the laptop I ordered"

    "Would you like me to phone you tomorrow with an update?, she said

    "Yes please"

    "It'll be at 5 o'clock"

    "5! do you mean 5pm? Why can't you ring before 5pm?"

    "Because I don't start work till then......"

    This is Tesco isn't it? UK's biggest retailer.

    Of course the laptop did not arrive on Wednesday, but at just after 5pm the phone rang with an automated message that my order could not be fulfilled, and they would be in touch with an alternative offer.

    On Thursday I was phoned with an offer to substitute an Acer laptop. I said I'd look into it and phone back. I wasn't very impressed, but my mate said yes, so I rang Friday to accept.

    This time I expressed my mild disappointment about Tesco's performance to the lady CS rep - "Yes", she said, "and how do you think we feel being let down by our supplier?"

    That really helps.

    "When will I receive the replacement laptop", I asked.

    "They should start shipping them out next week"

    "So do you mean I'll have it next week"

    "Well, they should start shipping them out next week"


    So then I asked if I would receive confirmation of the replacement order, and if the net account would be updated, She told me it would take the system a couple of hours, then I would get an email.

    NO email, NO update.

    On Sunday a message was left replying to the complaint email I had sent the previous Wednesday. There was a "sorry" ( the first time I'd had one), and then I was told if I wanted to accept the replacement ACER I should phone!

    So, Monday I phoned. CS is very busy, maybe not surprising. Finally got through to a rather edgy advisor. He couldn't tell me thing - not even if my order was in the system, or when it would be delivered, nothing! and made me feel like I was being a nuisance.
    I asked why the "Your Tesco Orders" page still showed the Asus "At warehouse - dispatching soon" - "that's because we are using the payment made for that order for your new order" He left out the words "you idiot", but I got the impression that's what he meant. I asked when the laptop would be delivered.
    "As I'm sure you were told when you ordered, it will be shipped out at the end of next week!" Nice.

    Had a rest on Tuesday.

    Rang Wednesday - nice guy, but he claimed to know nothing about my replacement - he said he would get on to the supplier immediately and tell them they must phone me with the delivery date - they haven't.
    Rang Thursday - this time a nice girl - she said she knew all about it, and would ring back to with delivery details, and she did! Delivery Friday between 7am-7pm.
    Today got an email - "The order should be delivered between 7am-7pm on Saturday 15 October 2011"
    ....and just looked at the Order Status Webpage:

    Delivery expected on Monday 17 October 2011 between 7am-7pm

    Are they havin' a laugh or what?

  • #2
    I repair a few laptops, mainly for friends and family and I`ve had the misfortune of trying to deal with the tesco warranty returns procedure, it generally works out cheaper for me to replace screens/hard drives etc my self than return laptops to the tesco suggested repairer.

    If you can I would highly recommend cancelling the order and checking out ebuyer, have a look through the deals page there have been some really good £300ish laptops recently, they are not fly by nights they have been around for years, I have spent thousands with them now and yes there is the occasional problem but they are quick to sort it out, also the free delivery on orders over £50 is excellent, it says 5 days but usually within a day or two.


    • #3
      Thanks for the reply and advice - I have bought a few things from ebuyer in the past. I buy nearly everything off the net these days, but I've never had such bad service from anyone before.

      One of the probs now is that Tesco have my money, so even if I cancelled I would have the task of getting a refund, and assuming the Monday delivery is going to happen lol I'd have to refuse delivery or return the laptop.

      I can feel my blood pressure going up just writing this.


      • #4
        I've been trying to get a replacement hub and bearings for my Erde bike trailer from Wilstow (the importers) for 5 months. They have sent the wrong stuff 6 times. We got in touch with Erde in France and they supplied the part numbers to Wilstow 6 weeks ago. Still no spares. They don't even reply to Emails..
        it's in me shed, mate.


        • #5
          I got my laptop from Tesco about 15 months ago and couldn't be happier!

          I'd done all the usual research and had a fairly good idea of what I wanted but happened to be passing the Tesco Home shop at Kinnaird Park in Edinburgh and thought I'd have a look to see what they had in stock.

          I spotted an Acer Aspire with i5 processor at £525 which at the time was a really keen price but when I enquired they had none in stock.

          I went home and called several local stores and none had it in stock. I also went to the Tesco online site which didn't have it in stock but asked for an email to be sent when it was back in stock. I then called the CS number and the guy said he would check all central Scotland stores to see if any had it in stock. He called back after an hour and said it was not available anywhere but said this had all the signs of an end of line item and that he was positive it would not be re-stocked. He advised me to speak to the manager of the Edinburgh store and tell him I had been told it was end of line and ask for the display model.

          Next day I was offered the display model with 10% discount with an additional £50 off because they couldn't find the battery. I agreed to the £422 price but when he entered the 'special deal' into the system at checkout he got a message saying that the price was too high. On checking, it appeared that the price on the system was £419. He spoke to the manager saying 'we've offered this guy £100 off what should I do?' - answer was 'give him it for £319'. I tried not to appear over-excited as I left the store with the laptop (felt like a shoplifter though). I got an email a week later from Tesco Direct saying the item was back in stock.

          RESULT. Tesco are great! Only downside was the battery cost £70 including postage.
          Last edited by tavvi; 15 October 2011, 22:03.


          • #6
            Funny that Asus are amongst the best and Acer the worst....

            Erde bearings

            Last edited by Ploddit; 15 October 2011, 22:13.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Ploddit View Post
              Funny that Asus are amongst the best and Acer the worst....
              Nowt wrong with mine


              • #8
                Originally posted by tavvi View Post
                I got my laptop from Tesco about 15 months ago
                I think the fact that was 15 months ago might be a clue.
                Also wasn't that a one-off cracking unrepeatable deal, not really comparable to this web deal openly on offer to everyone.
                I bought a laptop from them about 4 years ago, and the service was good then, but this awful service has just happened to me (and about 250 others who ordered the ASUS), and I can't see that the fact that you got a great buy 15 months ago is an excuse for the way I have been treated now.

                I happen to own an Erde trailer, and never have had a prob with the bearings, so I guess Chillit shouldn't complain 'cause his bearings are knackered and they can't be bothered to do their job right and supply new ones?
                Last edited by spacast; 15 October 2011, 23:10.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by spacast View Post
                  I think the fact that was 15 months ago might be a clue.
                  Also wasn't that a one-off cracking unrepeatable deal, not really comparable to this web deal openly on offer to everyone.
                  I bought a laptop from them about 4 years ago, and the service was good then, but this awful service has just happened to me (and about 250 others who ordered the ASUS), and I can't see that the fact that you got a great buy 15 months ago is an excuse for the way I have been treated now.
                  I agree entirely. My deal was not with Tesco Direct and it certainly was a fluke. My point (if any) was don't write Tesco (or similar mega stores) off entirely when considering a purchase. They will occasionally surprise you with a deal that probably demonstrates their ignorance of the product more than anything else, and I am sure that no matter how bad the service you will not lose your money with Tesco. So if they offer what seems an excellent deal then take a punt. The worst that can happen is the frustration you have experienced - and you'll still get your money back if all else fails.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by tavvi View Post
                    My point (if any) was don't write Tesco (or similar mega stores) off entirely when considering a purchase. They will occasionally surprise you with a deal that probably demonstrates their ignorance of the product more than anything else, and I am sure that no matter how bad the service you will not lose your money with Tesco.
                    Yeah, well I agree with that too, no point in cutting off your nose to spite your face - but don't expect anything to go smoothly 'specially if you're dealing with Tesco Direct.
                    And use your credit card and all purchases over £100 ( and if you're lucky those under too) will be safe.

