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Girlie puzzlement

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  • Girlie puzzlement

    I've been at Shirley to let me build a garage or a big shed for ages, she's always said no. Today, I mentioned that a small bit of land with 3 sheds (one Nissin hut) is on the market for £30k+, she said to look at buying it.

    I said, but a big shed is only about £1k? She just shrugged her shoulders. It's perplexing!
    Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's

  • #2
    your daft - womens logic

    she sees a bulldozer on the sheds and her new hoose on the land which will cost you another 100k on top


    • #3
      She see's all of your Hilux stripping/building, spare engines, axles and chassis all at your new premises and not sprawled all over her garden more likely!! haha


      • #4
        Originally posted by Thrifty
        A shoulder shrug does sound sort of expensive...got to be shoes handbags or a more expensive motive..i think i am with the new house theory too..

        never understand womens logic ! ive got 5 to contend with daily, I'm constantly confused by the way they think its also perhaps their cunning way to get me to do stuff i dont really want to do as well.
        Do they make false promises of shiny car parts?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Albannach View Post
          I've been at Shirley to let me build a garage or a big shed for ages, she's always said no. Today, I mentioned that a small bit of land with 3 sheds (one Nissin hut) is on the market for £30k+, she said to look at buying it.

          I said, but a big shed is only about £1k? She just shrugged her shoulders. It's perplexing!
          I tell you it's something in the water recently Andy! Take advantage while it lasts I say...


          • #6
            Originally posted by Albannach View Post
            I've been at Shirley to let me build a garage or a big shed for ages, she's always said no. Today, I mentioned that a small bit of land with 3 sheds (one Nissin hut) is on the market for £30k+, she said to look at buying it.

            I said, but a big shed is only about £1k? She just shrugged her shoulders. It's perplexing!
            Was it a kind of "do whatever the hell you want!" kind of discussion?
            Oh Nana, what's my name?


            • #7
              Life is a game of Monopoly.

              Land on it, Buy it!

              Sent from the iPad you "lost"


              • #8
                I can't remember who said it but 'invest in land - they're not making any more of it!'
                Go for it.

