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buying a surf

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  • buying a surf


    I have been trying to find a guide of what to look out for when buying one.

    I dont know much about them to be honest. Only thing I know is that they can have problems with the heads and thats about it, oh and I want one.

    I would rather have a manual one but was told today not to bother due to problems. I wasnt to convinced so thought you guys could help.

    If you have any information or sites worth looking at please let me know.

    If it helps I'm looking to spend around £5000 ish. Which does seem to be around the average price of most I have seen.



  • #2
    have a gander in the for sale section on here m8.
    some good un's for sale there.

    and may i be the first to say when you buy one you wont look back or stop smiling.

    the 2.4 models are supposed to be the problem head surfs but as i got one and she still running great.
    there has been lots of talk on here on the head problem.
    and the statitions have worked out that only 20% of the 2.4 on the forum have had a problem.

    i love mine but if and when the time comes to change i will plum for a 3ltr

    having a surf is plain
    Enjoying Life after Cancer


    • #3
      The manual box versions can be harder to find, are no better or worse than th auto's from a reliability point of view.

      For more info use the search feature on this forum, or simply browse, there's lots of info to be had.

      Also, have a look here http://www.showmesome.info/hilux/
      Hilux Surf FAQ at www.hiluxsurf.eu


      • #4
        Well as regards to manuals, I have never had a problem, it's done 145000 km and been in the country since 2001,and no head problems either.
        Take a good look around at what's on offer if you have 5000 to spend then you should get a beauty for that.
        It's the best and most practical motor I've ever owned, you won't be dissapointed.



        • #5
          There is a surf reveiw in this months 4x4 mart.

          Good write up
          Charlie Don't Surf..http://static.photobox.co.uk/public/...10805138.s.jpg


          • #6
            cheers for that guys. will check out the web a bit more and go and buy that mag.

            Hope to have one in the next few months. I'm in no rush so will wait till the right one turns up.

            As soon as I get it I will be back to show u lot.



