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Great Day Off Roading At Pea Farm

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  • Great Day Off Roading At Pea Farm

    Sorry it's not Surf related but I just spent a day at Pea Farm off road centre in my little Vitara and can't believe how well it performed. I've been through mud and water and up and down hills where Pajeros and Landies were stuck and had to be pulled out!

    No Surfs there, to judge their performance, but it's a cracking little off road site. If anyone in the North East hasn't had a go at off roading then I can recommend this site. It's not Drumclog by any stretch of the imagination but £20 for a full days entertainment can't be bad!

    Forget to take the camera to Pea Farm but here's a pic of the Vitara before going to the car wash.

    'Tis better to sting than to be stung!

  • #2
    Nice on jim, glad it performed well.
    If its not broke don't fix it.

