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  • What do you think?

    I was going to paint my dining room this weekend but then thought it would make more sense to have the room empty first,(we always have guests over for the 17th/18th September),then I thought it might still make sense to paint the room and to rope in the guests to help,Nigel is 6 foot 8inches tall so he would be perfect for doing the ceiling but he suffers from a bad back .
    Nigel's wife Holly is also quite tall so it perhaps she could help ,although she does like a bit to drink,so I was thinking of watering down her gin?

    I have decided on a lovely oatmeal colour for the walls and in with keeping the neutral feel just a plain white for the ceiling.
    The floor is a reclaimed wood floor just sanded and varnished and the dining furniture is american oak,with an american oak framed mirror

    Oh Nigel and Holly are our guests in case anyone was confused ?

  • #2

    Not really the way to treat guests ...

    Why not host a Surf tech weekend and rope the guys in ?

    You'll spend a fortune on bacon for the sarnies and you''ll empty Tesco's of beer but you'll end up with mud and oil covered walls that will be totally unique !

    Life is too important to take seriously !


    • #3
      We could build a modern art sculpture/lamp out of Surf parts.
      “Do or do not... there is no try.”


      • #4
        Originally posted by Thrifty
        I think im glad im not Nigel
        I forgot to say Nigel is only that tall as he wears high heels.Or was it his bad back that you didn't like?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Predictable Bob View Post

          Not really the way to treat guests ...

          Why not host a Surf tech weekend and rope the guys in ?

          You'll spend a fortune on bacon for the sarnies and you''ll empty Tesco's of beer but you'll end up with mud and oil covered walls that will be totally unique !

          I agree a Tech weekend is a better idea than bleedin' decorating.
          Bacon I have but I'm out of uncut loaf but I do a mean bacon bagel
          I can use swmbo's discount card so the beer is a deffo!!!

          The only stuff I am planning for the surf this weekend is fixing up a heater hose bleed valve thingyand greasing my nipplesand I'm too shy to ask for help doing that!!!!

