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Iphone Typo

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  • Iphone Typo

    I'm picking up a tyre at the weekend and while replying to the seller my iPhone decided to do its predictive text thingy. Instead of, 'I'll pick it up on Saturday please, as I'm off roading on Sunday' the message read 'I'll pick it up on Saturday please, as I'm off tossing on Sunday'! Luckily I read it through and corrected it before pressing the send button!
    'Tis better to sting than to be stung!

  • #2
    I never use the predictive text facility as it nevers predicts what I want to say and alwasy comes up with meaningless garbage! The wife IS the only one that can preDict what I am about to say before I have said it!


    • #3

      The best iPhone blunders!
      “Do or do not... there is no try.”


      • #4
        Originally posted by puddlesurfer View Post
        my wifes name is Heather. nokia phones decide she is Heavier. god forbid she finds THAT out or Mr Nokia is gonna be wearing her phone as a supository....
        If you're gonna be a bear... be a Grizzly.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Scorpion View Post
          I'm picking up a tyre at the weekend and while replying to the seller my iPhone decided to do its predictive text thingy. Instead of, 'I'll pick it up on Saturday please, as I'm off roading on Sunday' the message read 'I'll pick it up on Saturday please, as I'm off tossing on Sunday'! Luckily I read it through and corrected it before pressing the send button!
          You sure you wern't right the first time mate.
          If its not broke don't fix it.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Scorpion View Post
            I'm picking up a tyre at the weekend and while replying to the seller my iPhone decided to do its predictive text thingy. Instead of, 'I'll pick it up on Saturday please, as I'm off roading on Sunday' the message read 'I'll pick it up on Saturday please, as I'm off tossing on Sunday'! Luckily I read it through and corrected it before pressing the send button!
            In fairness to your iphone, the auto correct only knows to use that word because you either badly miss spelt your first choice or you use the other word regularly..................... ......


            • #7
              A friend of the family thought LOL meant lots of love, instead of laugh out loud. We had a bereavement and I received a text from him expessing his condolences and finished with LOL. We realised his mistake and still rib him about it whenever we meet.


              • #8
                Originally posted by JD_975 View Post
                In fairness to your iphone, the auto correct only knows to use that word because you either badly miss spelt your first choice or you use the other word regularly..................... ......
                In fairness 'roading' isn't a proper word, try typing it in on your phone or in Microsoft Word. It normally tries to correct it to 'reading' or 'roaring'. Unfortunately, in my case, it decided tossing was it's nearest option!
                'Tis better to sting than to be stung!

