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Hooray Henrys in Guildford?

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  • Hooray Henrys in Guildford?

    Made me laugh

    Hindhead Tunnel

    That's what tunnels are for isn't it?
    Sent from the iPad you "lost"

  • #2

    It's not about the speed it's about the NOISE ...

    I know a couple of guys who went down there mob handed the day after it opened - they took their track car (Rover coupe that's been tweaked a little) and a few other bits and pieces and gave the loud pedals some exercise. They sure ain't hooray henrys just ordinary guys having a bit of fun

    Life is too important to take seriously !


    • #3
      Henry shouted hooray as he drove through it in his Lexurf.

      Actually, I think he shouted hurrah!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Predictable Bob View Post
        It's not about the speed it's about the NOISE ...
        Too right, and good luck to them!

        Sent from the iPad you "lost"


        • #5
          hmmm must visit be better than the underpass on waterloo bridge lol
          Only Toyota can get you out of shite


          • #6

            Apparently Chris Evans and a few of his mates went through on the day it opened - doubtless he was driving something suitably loud !

            Life is too important to take seriously !


            • #7
              Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
              Henry shouted hooray as he drove through it in his Lexurf.

              Actually, I think he shouted hurrah!
              I confess I may have accidentally blipped the loud pedal a couple of times when I went through it in Lexurf. I have brought shame on my name...

              Now I know there are loads of tits in Lambos down there at night I am definitely going down to burn them off in Lexurf though


              • #8
                I will be using the Dublin Port tunnel on the way home from picking up Lexurf VII. It is just over 2.5 mile long and will be a great opportunity to sample that V8 rumble. I'll post up the video when I get back home

