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  • #16
    Originally posted by Anyway I stand by what I said about the flyers,wouldn,t it be better if finding a "[b
    this forum has moved banner[/b]" it just linked directly to this one?


    There is no need to put that, as the forum link (on www.hiluxsurf.co.uk) does bring you directly to this site.
    Also on the old Forum there is a notice telling people that the Forum has moved, giving this site's address and a link to it.

    As I said in my last post, hand out some of the cards, even putting your handle on the back, that way you can get people from your area interested in the site.......................... ..


    • #17
      Hello again Colin, KOi etc .

      I'm afraid I agree with "bensonsnuts" is some aspect , If you surfed onto www.hiluxsurf.co.uk , It doesn't look as good as the forum itself , or for that matter , as good as the flyers, cards , we are handing out.

      Obviously it gets traffic etc , but I think it's in dire need of a revamp, this maybe already in place , being so new , i don't know !

      Once again its sounds like I'm critisising other peoples work , but really I love it all , just want the best for everyone Surf related .

      So I will offer my meagre services if wanted and or needed. I can webdisign / graphic design , and a small amount of ASP / JAVAscript type work. ( still learning the ASP stuff ) . If I'm needed ....SHOUT. and I willl help out.

      Keep up the good work.
      http://www.darksidesolutions.co.uk - Web Solutions


      • #18
        No problems SparX.

        The way I look at it is the Web Site is like a Front Door ?
        Look at some of the houses around where you live, the front door might not be fantastic, super, smashing etc, etc..........
        BUT, once you get inside it could be the best looking house you have ever seen...................

        Do you see what I am getting at?
        its not the wrapper thats important its the content that makes it special, we have some of the BEST people I have NEVER met on this site and thats what makes this site so good, NOT the front door?????????

        Right thats my ramblings over and done with, about time I posted some stupid jokes to annoy people with


        • #19
          Fair enough , but.........

          If your new to the area , and looking for a nice place to stay , would you bother knocking on the 'tatty old door ' or go for the sparkly shiny one with lots of knobs on it ?

          I do agree , it does its job , but a lick of paint would make it feel ike home !

          SparX - trying really hard not to offend anyone , before even meeting anyone on he 12th !

          PS. wife has said if I damage the truck , its divorce !
          http://www.darksidesolutions.co.uk - Web Solutions


          • #20
            would you like the name of a Very Good Solicitor NOW or after the weekend


            • #21
              LOL . Thanks

              She's really good at the old mind games ! Phrases like :-

              " You obviosly think more of your truck , than me or your son ? "

              ERM ........

              ANyway , better not lead this thread off into a rant and rave session, I will save it for another !

              See ya soon ( hopefully )
              http://www.darksidesolutions.co.uk - Web Solutions


              • #22
                Originally posted by SparX
                LOL . Thanks

                She's really good at the old mind games ! Phrases like :-

                " You obviosly think more of your truck , than me or your son ? "

                ERM ........

                ANyway , better not lead this thread off into a rant and rave session, I will save it for another !

                See ya soon ( hopefully )
                Women, can't live with them, can't live without them.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by bensonsnuts
                  Hey ! sorry if I hit a nerve guys, I have to admit its a while since I checked out the old site & even then I just used to use a "favorites" link straight to the forum - the rest of the site hadn,t changed for ages & was in desperate need of an update. Its nice to see Koi is making some changes , the old site had "something" that this one hasn,t quite captured.
                  I was one of the advocates of moving to something bigger & better.
                  Maybe its just nostalgia www.hiluxsurf.co.uk was the 1st site I found over here when I was desperate to find out more about my surf & I enjoyed watching it grow. This site still doesn,t have the comfy feel of the old home , but in some ways its loads better.
                  I,ve said it before but I don,t know much about comps & this sites not been easy to get to grips with . I know some other folks found it a breeze because they already used other similar sites.
                  Anyway I stand by what I said about the flyers,wouldn,t it be better if finding a "this forum has moved banner" it just linked directly to this one?


                  They wont find a 'this forum has moved banner', they will find www.hiluxsurf.co.uk with a link on there to this forum. The only way you will find the old 'this forum has moved site' is if you still have it as a favourite or you type in the aborwood forum address.
                  www.hiluxsurf.co.uk takes you no where near the old forum.
                  Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

                  My 4x4
                  My choice
                  Back off


                  • #24
                    Printing out

                    I have tried to print a few things that fellow members had replied, but it does not print out as it should, half missing? any sugestions.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by snowwolf
                      I have tried to print a few things that fellow members had replied, but it does not print out as it should, half missing? any sugestions.
                      Hi There Snowwolf.

                      If your trying to print out replies on the Forum, just highlight all of the text, RIGHT click and COPY.
                      Open MS Word (or whatever you use) open a new document & paste

                      You will have to change Font Colour as yellow does NOT come out well on a white background.
                      I have done it loads of times, and works every time without fail

                      Hope the above helps


                      • #26
                        Just an attempt to explain the rational behind the website and the forum and why they have different addresses and what is going on.

                        The Website is there as more than just the front door. It is the Home of everything and the place where eventually (time allowing and everything) that all the pictures and information should be stored. The Forum is there as a discussion forum and if we continually fill it up with pictures and technical information then it will just get slower - especially when it gets up to 100,000 plus posts (in a year or so at the current rate).

                        We have a different address because I wanted to get the Forum up and running and working before we moved over from the arborwood site however I am trying with Nigel to work out a way of hiding the Yotasurf address so that the Hiluxsurf name is most prominent which is how it should be. Thats the name we want to be associated with.

                        The main website is undergoing rebuild and Nigel is spending a lot of time working on it to get an easy user experience that is consistent across the whole website (not neccessarily also across the forum as that is driven by relatively unchangeable templates).

                        So to summarise, Hiluxsurf.co.uk is the name we want to advertise and be associated with, Yotasurf was just a means to an end. It will be much easier to find what you want on a website rather than searching through a forum, however setting this up takes a lot of time and dedication. Lets all be patient. Finally while the forum might look pretty funky, the best idea that I know of in website design is to keep the look and feel easy to use and consistent. This is good for a number of reasons.

                        1. It's easier to find things for new users
                        2. It's easier and quicker to maintain and add new content to.
                        3. People will want to come back because of item 1.

                        Having seen the code for the original website it was pretty complex to maintain and while the flash animation looks cool it used to really get on my nerves when I used the back button to go to the main page and get the flash animation again.

                        Sorry to go on about this - not having a go at anyone here but Nigel is trying to build something that will be maintainable at a low time cost so that it can be kept up to date. There is nothing worse than coming back to a website after 6 months and finding that nothing has changed - again not having a pop at Wayne who did a great job of getting the thing up and running but the front page didn't get updated for the best part of a year because Wayne like all of us had time commitments.

                        I am sure that Nigel will welcome suggestions as it is after all a community website and forum, however bear in mind that everyone has good ideas but it is difficult if not impossible to keep everyone happy.

                        Sorry everyone if I stepped over the line here (I hope not) just trying to clarify things for everyone's benefit (including mine). If I upset anyone it is definately not intentional.



                        • #27
                          Originally posted by lucky
                          Just an attempt to explain the rational behind the website and the forum and why they have different addresses and what is going on.

                          The Website is there as more than just the front door. It is the Home of everything and the place where eventually (time allowing and everything) that all the pictures and information should be stored. The Forum is there as a discussion forum and if we continually fill it up with pictures and technical information then it will just get slower - especially when it gets up to 100,000 plus posts (in a year or so at the current rate).

                          We have a different address because I wanted to get the Forum up and running and working before we moved over from the arborwood site however I am trying with Nigel to work out a way of hiding the Yotasurf address so that the Hiluxsurf name is most prominent which is how it should be. Thats the name we want to be associated with.

                          The main website is undergoing rebuild and Nigel is spending a lot of time working on it to get an easy user experience that is consistent across the whole website (not neccessarily also across the forum as that is driven by relatively unchangeable templates).

                          So to summarise, Hiluxsurf.co.uk is the name we want to advertise and be associated with, Yotasurf was just a means to an end. It will be much easier to find what you want on a website rather than searching through a forum, however setting this up takes a lot of time and dedication. Lets all be patient. Finally while the forum might look pretty funky, the best idea that I know of in website design is to keep the look and feel easy to use and consistent. This is good for a number of reasons.

                          1. It's easier to find things for new users
                          2. It's easier and quicker to maintain and add new content to.
                          3. People will want to come back because of item 1.

                          Having seen the code for the original website it was pretty complex to maintain and while the flash animation looks cool it used to really get on my nerves when I used the back button to go to the main page and get the flash animation again.

                          Sorry to go on about this - not having a go at anyone here but Nigel is trying to build something that will be maintainable at a low time cost so that it can be kept up to date. There is nothing worse than coming back to a website after 6 months and finding that nothing has changed - again not having a pop at Wayne who did a great job of getting the thing up and running but the front page didn't get updated for the best part of a year because Wayne like all of us had time commitments.

                          I am sure that Nigel will welcome suggestions as it is after all a community website and forum, however bear in mind that everyone has good ideas but it is difficult if not impossible to keep everyone happy.

                          Sorry everyone if I stepped over the line here (I hope not) just trying to clarify things for everyone's benefit (including mine). If I upset anyone it is definately not intentional.

                          andy, you and nigel are doing a good job, the forum and website has come along way in just a short time, arborwood seems like ages ago, good luck
                          [font=Times New Roman][size=3]
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                          • #28
                            I agree, the new forum shows the way things are going - can't update everything at once - keep up the good work guys!!!




                            • #29
                              Well Said Lucky :-)

                              Agree with ALL of the above.
                              Your doing a "GREAT" job guys, where would we all be if it wasn't for a dedicated few that keep everything running smoothly for the rest of us.

                              Its looking great and no-doubt will get better & better with time.

                              I for one am VERY thankfull to you for your time and effort.



                              • #30
                                next project

                                colin now you have finished that little project & well done to all by the way. suzpuki have got this sticker can you do better for the surf?
                                (='.'=) SQUIRREL MUNCHER GRRRRRRR

