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Advice on buying a Surf

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  • Advice on buying a Surf

    I'm just about to emigrate to Lesotho (country in the middle of South Africa) and am looking to buy a 4x4 for when I get there, importing from Japan. Aside from the headaches surrounding import permits, payment, shipping, port fees, import duties, registration etc. I have one quite large obstacle - I know very little about cars and can't make up my mind which one to buy.

    I have narrowed it down to two options (both Surfs) and was hoping some kind soul could steer me towards the right decision:
    Option 1: 1996 3.0 litre Diesel, 86,000 miles, will cost me about £8,000.
    Option 2: 1998 2.7 litre petrol with electronic fuel injection, 53,000 miles, will cost me about £7,300.

    Thats about all the info I have, other than their condition is "very good" which translates to minor scratches / dents but nothing seriously wrong and no mechanical problems. As I'm importing I can't test drive or anything.

    Being uneducated my first instinct was obviously the newer, less run petrol, but I've since been told that diesel engines will go on a lot longer. Ultimately I will probably sell it in two years when I come back, but in the meantime would like something I can use on dodgy mountain roads in all weather (it snows a fair bit), and also take on safari.

    Only other point of note is petrol is currently about 10% cheaper there than diesel.

    Any advice very gratefully received, both on which to buy (mainly, is a diesel so much better so as to pay an extra 15% for an older and more run car), and also what I should get checked once I get it.



  • #2
    I haven't got a clue which is better for you but hello & welcome to the Surf forum!

    I used to house share with a lass from Lesotho. She used to like walking around the house naked. Lovely girl, she was.

    Can you speak Banthu/Sotho?

