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Reading Ticket

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  • Reading Ticket

    If it sells the forum WILL get a cut

    My lad has been let down by his ex and is now holding a spare weekend ticket for Reading - anybody interested ?

    Life is too important to take seriously !

  • #2
    I can ask around at work... my office is literally 200m from the main entrance... (lucky me........)
    More Lift.
    More Tyres.
    More Engine.


    • #3
      how well do you need to read?
      am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


      • #4
        Originally posted by Karma Supra View Post
        I can ask around at work... my office is literally 200m from the main entrance... (lucky me........)
        you cant be far from me then - the great unwashed has descended yet again upon us.. lol


        • #5

          Cheers !

          I'll be unloading four 18 year olds in Richfield Avenue around 06:45 tomorrow on my way to Thames Valley Park but I'll be in a Fawcus estate cos the boss won't let me have her Surf ...

          Life is too important to take seriously !


          • #6

            Kids dumped at the end of Richfield Avenue at 06:40, as I parked up at work at 06:55 I got a text saying he'd flogged the ticket so it's all sorted !

            Except the daughter's decided she wants to go so she's at her cousins in Reading and the pair of them are now looking for tickets

            Life is too important to take seriously !


            • #7
              been loads of them walking about today, wandering past our place, where's waitorse, can we use your toilet blah blah..

              I popped out and saw a guy in a BMW scrape the side of his car as he was too busy watching 4 girls wearing very very short shorts and wellies walking past..
              try explaining that one to the missus


              • #8
                There is definitely a lot of festival clunge about
                More Lift.
                More Tyres.
                More Engine.


                • #9
                  Why does one need a ticket to read?
                  Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Albannach View Post
                    Why does one need a ticket to read?
                    I thought that was what The Beatles said was required...


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Rustinho View Post
                      I thought that was what The Beatles said was required...
                      Nah, that was something about licenced prostitution?
                      Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's

