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The rioters point of view

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  • The rioters point of view

    Have just seen a clip of an interview on Sky News of some looters.

    What makes people think that they can not work, not study and not do anything with their lives but expect handouts and freebies continuously?

    "We looted because we have no choice" He also went on to say something to the words of that the government should give them money.

    I think the goverment has given too much in the way of money to people. They get something called EMA which they get money for going to college, some of them only turn up to get marked in and then leave as they'll still get their money.

    It seriously annoys me that people think they're entitled to anything without working for it.
    Oh Nana, what's my name?

  • #2
    Posting at 9.43!!!!! Why are you not at work?? Hey only joking... There seems to be a big question mark around giving airtime to these w@n7ers!
    .... Which was nice.


    • #3
      I was here at 8:30 starting work at 9!

      I think community service, cleaning up their mess at least. I hear they're only getting fines of £60 or so?
      Oh Nana, what's my name?


      • #4

        If they have no money how can they pay fines ?

        Make the little batsards WORK for the benefit of the community - a few weeks picking up litter and dogshit will get the message across !

        As for EMA - my three got nothing cos I happen to have a job, the LEA/Government totally ignored the fact that we were also paying £1600 a year for bus passes cos the local college doesn't do academic courses ...

        Life is too important to take seriously !


        • #5
          Originally posted by dieselboy View Post
          I hear they're only getting fines of £60 or so?
          which they will be using out tax payers money..
          Landcruiser Colorado
          Sub. Forester


          • #6
            Originally posted by dieselboy View Post
            I think community service, cleaning up their mess at least. I hear they're only getting fines of £60 or so?
            Listening to the review of todays newspapers on radio 4 last night and they were going through some of the sentencing of rioters in the magistrates courts.

            The more serious offenders seem to be being remanded in custody to be referred to crown court because "6 months is an insufficiently long sentence" (technically 6 months is max sentence at magistrates court but clever magistrates can get around this to a certain extent depending on how much more severe the sentence could be in crown court - the mother in law was involved with sentencing someone involved with dog fighting for longer than 6 months. He could've appealed against the sentence but the max sentence in crown court was much longer and he would've run the risk of being worse off if it had gone through an appeal).

            One example was a bloke sent down for 6 months for stealing £3.50 worth of mineral water because "the circumstances of the looting are so serious" because it is in the context of the rioting.


            • #7
              saw a youth telling a mp we need to eat thats why we rioted ,ffs they eating tellies and trainers nowdays ?/
              waiting for one honest rioter to say i done it because i wanted free trainers and ferk the owners whose shops i smashed ,, dont think that will happen
              Only Toyota can get you out of shite


              • #8
                To be fair did you see the bloke that looted "large bag of Tesco's own brand basmati rice"?
                All of the real gangsta's eat basmati rice.

                They're just fabricating reasons to try and make themselves feel better. I still say the people that have been convicted so far should be out there laying bricks, fitting windows, cleaning streets up.
                Oh Nana, what's my name?


                • #9

                  I've had an idea ...

                  Why not use the less serious offenders to build more prisons so we can bang up the really bad boys for a 10 stretch ?

                  Todays interesting fact - some of the looters are being charged with robbery which doesn't sound that bad BUT the maximum tariff for robbery is LIFE !

                  It's just a pity that the magistrates can't dish out life sentences ...

                  Life is too important to take seriously !

