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40ft yacht vs oil tanker

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  • 40ft yacht vs oil tanker

    Here is some footage of a yacht getting in the way of an oil tanker over the weekend. It still amazes me that anyone can just jump on a boat and sail/race through a active shipping lane, without any qualifications! It's Cowes Week at the moment, which means there is over 1000 boats using the Solent, it can and does go horribly wrong at times!

  • #2
    Birmingham Navy on maneuvers

    Back in the day Baby


    • #3
      That's an FPSO, not an oil tanker

      I bet the yacht's skipper feels a bit stupid now? Assuming he was in control of the yacht, it may have been damaged prior to the colission.
      Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


      • #4
        Any idiot who got in the way of that deserves to be shipwrecked!
        It's not as if they didn't see it coming.
        Last edited by BUSHWHACKER; 8 August 2011, 13:44.


        • #5
          Power gives way to sail...

          Sent from the iPad you "lost"


          • #6
            My sources tell me that the skipper of the yacht was in fact a Captain in the Army, it seems like he was trying to make the finish line which was just past the tanker , very bad decision, if I were in the Army I would not like to have him as a captain. I feel sorry for the crew, 2 of which ended up going over board and probably all of them knew what was about to happen but the wolly would not listen... going over board is scary enough, let alone right next to a great big ship. I think this guy is going to struggle to get crew to sail with him the future!

            Here's a link to some info on the ship, it was on it way to Fawley refinery, not sure if it is a FPSO (Floating production storage and offloading), I might be wrong though


            • #7
              Judging by the sails on the other boats and the fact he had his spinnaker up, there's no reason why he couldn't have pointed a little higher and made it around the front of that ship. That, however, would have needed to be planned a few minutes in advance and there's no way he could have seen a 250+m ship until the very last minute....


              • #8
                Originally posted by Sancho View Post
                Judging by the sails on the other boats and the fact he had his spinnaker up, there's no reason why he couldn't have pointed a little higher and made it around the front of that ship. That, however, would have needed to be planned a few minutes in advance and there's no way he could have seen a 250+m ship until the very last minute....



                • #9
                  Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
                  I thought it was Cowes?


                  • #10
                    Looks like he left most of his sail attached to the ships anchor, he's lucky those ships have a bulbious bow or he might have gone right under it,
                    beats me why a test in basic seamanship and navigation aint compulsory before your allowed to sail about willy nilly
                    saw a yacht hit a fishing boat when we were out fishing once, jib went right though the wheelhouse window, you could hear the language 300 yards away, skipper of the fishing boat wigged out big stylee, a woman was at the helm of the yacht,
                    Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Rustinho View Post
                      I thought it was Cowes?
                      See what I did there?


                      • #12
                        Surely the tanker, both powered and coming from the left, should have yielded to the yacht?
                        Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Albannach View Post
                          Surely the tanker, both powered and coming from the left, should have yielded to the yacht?

                          Bala Mud, best underseal there is, only £30 per application.



                          • #14
                            I believe the power gives way to sail rule still applys but ships of that size take an age to stop or alter course, it looked like he was running slow ahead but even so he cant avoid an idiot like the yacht skipper, these guys just think they can sail around in known (or perhaps unknown to him) shipping lanes and then wonder why their hit by large ships that cant stop or turn on a dime,
                            some basic seamanship, navigation and chart understanding tuition should be complusory before anyone skippers a boat, you cant just jump in a car and drive it or a plane and fly it, so should it be with boats, even those sodding jet ski things,
                            lack of training (and even common sence) is the reason so many weekend sailors come un stuck and sometime die as a result,
                            Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by POPEYE View Post
                              I believe the power gives way to sail rule still applys but ships of that size take an age to stop or alter course, it looked like he was running slow ahead but even so he cant avoid an idiot like the yacht skipper, these guys just think they can sail around in known (or perhaps unknown to him) shipping lanes and then wonder why their hit by large ships that cant stop or turn on a dime,
                              some basic seamanship, navigation and chart understanding tuition should be complusory before anyone skippers a boat, you cant just jump in a car and drive it or a plane and fly it, so should it be with boats, even those sodding jet ski things,
                              lack of training (and even common sence) is the reason so many weekend sailors come un stuck and sometime die as a result,
                              Completely true, I lived next door to an oil tanker captain for 15 years, and he told me a few tales, on a marine GPS it tells you that something of that size is comming and there is no chance it can change course or stop for you.
                              The shipping lane is used by some really large boats and that anyone that knows what they are doing would check the lane before crossing it, given how close that collision was I'd say that Yacht chanced it and got it wrong; if that tanker had dropped anchors and then put it into full reverse it would still take over 30mins to come to a complete stop.

                              To be honest the only thing with less chance of changing course in time is a lighthouse lol


                              Bala Mud, best underseal there is, only £30 per application.


