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Dog owners...

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  • Dog owners...

    ...who pretend they haven't noticed their pooch is taking a big smelly shit in the middle of a public path and just walk off should be forced to eat it. Dirty selfish b@stards.

    I've just scraped stinking cr@p out of my bike tyres for the second time this week.
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world

  • #2
    I had to do that today...with the tyres on a fork lift...dirty human beings.
    Non intercooled nothing.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Apache View Post
      ...who pretend they haven't noticed their pooch is taking a big smelly shit in the middle of a public path and just walk off should be forced to eat it. Dirty selfish b@stards.

      I've just scraped stinking cr@p out of my bike tyres for the second time this week.
      That annoys the hell outta me too. I don't particularly want my son treading in anything like that either.

      Being a dog walker, I tend to have nappy sacks (which I use to clean up after my dogs) in my coat pocket. I've been known to walk up to people who haven't cleaned up after their dogs and politely remind them that they have forgotten to do their public duty and offer them a bag in case they had forgotten them as well.

      I've never yet had to clean up after someone elses dog and chase after them with the bag (or just put it in their pocket) but I'm sure I will one day.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Apache View Post
        ...who pretend they haven't noticed their pooch is taking a big smelly shit in the middle of a public path and just walk off should be
        Put in stocks and have all the refuse thrown at them.

        They give those of us pick up a bad name.
        Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


        • #5
          Originally posted by Apache View Post
          ...who pretend they haven't noticed their pooch is taking a big smelly shit in the middle of a public path and just walk off should be forced to eat it. Dirty selfish b@stards.

          I've just scraped stinking cr@p out of my bike tyres for the second time this week.
          Stop texting whilst riding then!


          • #6
            Have any of you spotted their latest fad? Pick up the poo, stick it in the wee bag, then hang the bag on someone's gate/fence/tree.

            Clarty bastids.
            Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


            • #7
              Exactly, watch where you are walking/riding.

              What about wild animals? Will they will be banned soon?

              Sent from the iPad you "lost"


              • #8
                Took the dogs out the other week and one of them find`s a human shit that one of the power rangers who ride up and down the Cheshire lines had decided to do. never got to him till he`d consumed half of it, considered putting tacks down all along the cycle path but decided against it after all its only shit, what was the person supposed to do. Bag it and carry it with him all day. That would be stupid. its the countryside, some things besides my dog live off stuff like that. My bug bear are the people who bag their dogs crap and hang it on the trees like there`s some magic shit fairy who will come along and collect it


                • #9
                  OK, feck it. Lets all shit everywhere and expect others to go through the nausea of having to scrape it off their feet / tyres / face (it flings up if you're moving quickly)

                  Nah, I'll just rub their feckin face in it if I see them.

                  It's just respect for others, that's all. If you cant't be arsed cleaning up after your pet, may I respectfully suggest you get a feckin goldfish?

                  TOTALLY agree about the bags hanging from bushes, again, just shows lack of respect for others and lack of pride for where you live.
                  Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                  • #10
                    I live near a large working wood and it has full public access. Get a lot of dog walkers there, and some even with poop bags. Bins provided in a couple of places specifically for full dog poo bags.

                    Unfortunately, some dog walkers pick up the poo with the poo bag, tie it up (good so far), and then drop it on the floor or throw it in the bushes. WTF??

                    Now it will take 10,000yrs to decompose as opposed to just a few days if said dog poo was left where it fell out of the dogs ar5e.

                    What are those poor badgers going to eat now!!
                    Now it's time to play!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Albannach View Post
                      Have any of you spotted their latest fad? Pick up the poo, stick it in the wee bag, then hang the bag on someone's gate/fence/tree.

                      Clarty bastids.

                      That grips my sh*t that. At least if the fcukers left it as is it might dry up or degrade and disappear but in a plastic bag it's hanging there for years ffs
                      I find it's usually hanging from a tree or stuck in a bush.


                      • #12
                        I just changed my wireless network name to "pickupyourdogshitnumber45 "
                        GRAVITY IS A MYTH THE EARTH SUCKS!!!


                        • #13
                          Yep cat owners as well, poxy cats come in my garden dig up my plants shit in it anywhere and everywhere they like and nowt said, thats taken as the done thing and allowed
                          Think I will start putting my two dogs over some garden fences so they can go shit in thier gardens all fair isn't it, eye for an eye and all that.
                          Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

                          My 4x4
                          My choice
                          Back off


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Koi View Post
                            Think I will start putting my two dogs over some garden fences so they can go shit in thier gardens all fair isn't it, eye for an eye and all that.
                            Well no one is going to argue with Axel!
                            “Do or do not... there is no try.”

