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New To This Forum But Had A Surf

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  • New To This Forum But Had A Surf

    Hi, i'm 28 from Surrey. I had a Hilux Surf for two months at the start of the year but had to sell because of insurance costs on running two vehicles. Didn't really want to sell up but was eating into my money. Maybe I was mad buying one when i only just passed my car test back in November 2011. (Im a motorcycle man really!)

    The one I had was a 2.4 2nd Gen which I bought from someone down the road from me. Never overheated when I had it. (Needle sat just under halfway) but a bit of an oil leaker from turbo and slightly from head. I had no paperwork it had a new head but I presume it did from the slight leak from there and the mileage it had done.

    Im in a position to buy one again with insurance a bit cheaper and some good savings. Seems to be a fair few around at the moment for sale and lower prices from what I saw a few years ago. Naturally the 3.0 Diesel 2nd Gen.

  • #2
    if you're going for a 2nd gen then a 3.0 diesel is definitely the way to go if you can find one at a good price.

    I didn't exactly rush into buying a 2.4 (took me several months of keeping an eye on various websites/dealers/etc) before I got one at a decent price but in hindsight I wish I'd got a 3.0.

    Welcome to Surfland btw!


    • #3
      Hello welcome

      Nothing wrong with a 2.4! apart from the lack of power, and the heads going!
      “Do or do not... there is no try.”


      • #4
        Welcome on board, enjoy your stay.

        Don't go rushing in thinking the 3.0 will be OK, they suffer from head problems too.


        • #5
          Thanks guys. The 2.4 I had sold got exported. There must be a demand for them in another country.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Shaun M View Post
            Thanks guys. The 2.4 I had sold got exported. There must be a demand for them in another country.
            Afghanistan? Libya?


            • #7
              Welcome surrey...from us in Sussex..
              .... Which was nice.


              • #8
                Welcome Shaun. Enjoy the forum. Personally, I'd go for the 3.0, but whatever you choose, make sure that it's been well maintained......Cheers....Mick .
                " Time wounds all heels ".


                • #9
                  go for the 3.0,iv had both like most of the lads and lasses on here,iv never herd of anyone going back to a 2.4,the 2.4 is far too under powered,fuel is about the same performance is massive in comparison,saying that i did 132,000 klms in mine with 83,000 on the clock when i got it,off road most weekends,round europe three times(in to russia),pulled a caravan for over 3,000 klm,ran on veg oil most of the time,and it never really missed a beat
                  Not going to rest till its broke

