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Insurance Question For All The Irish Members

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  • Insurance Question For All The Irish Members

    Hi All,

    I know of Morr, Cmar, Delboy and JimL - maybe there are more Irish members?

    I have an insurance predicament.

    I had a budget to buy a Surf. I did a load of planning & research on Surfs specifically, and on insurance and tax.

    I knew the tax would be €821 per year.

    I got insurance quotes between €922 and €746 fully comp from 5 different brokers. I got 2 proposals sent out to me (€754 and €746 respectively, from 2 separate brokers, but both with AXA).

    Based on these figures, I then found a decent 1990 Surf for under €4000.

    This was all within my budget.

    When I rang one of the brokers to arrange cover, I gave them the reg and was told AXA wouldn't give me cover cos it's a Japanese import! (So why did they give me the quote?!) And, even more baffling, if it was a 1992 Surf, they WOULD give me cover, cos that's NOT listed as a Japanese import! (She's just the broker and doesn't know the car, so she couldn't explain that one...) She then came back saying she could arrange cover (not with AXA) at €1400!

    So I rang the second broker, to be told more or less the same thing. He has yet to come back to me.

    At no time during any phone call was I asked if the car was an import. I hope the calls I made were recorded. And neither proposal form has a question on it about the car being an import.

    So I've gone and bought the car only to be told AFTERWARDS that I'll have problems insuring it.

    I'm f*!$ing furious! My ass is grass. My wife is going to kill me. It's killing me anyway to leave the Surf in the drive every day till I get cover.

    Who do you guys use, and how much do you pay?



  • #2
    Hi Mark,

    Just a suggestion here, have you tried FBD ?

    I am sure they cover Surfs

    Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


    • #3
      I'm paying just over €1100 (I think, close enough anyway)
      Thats for Girlfriend and myself, both full licence, over 30, I've max no claims. This is fully comp, normal social & domestic + carraige of "own goods" ie carraige of tools, equipment, parts etc associated with my business.
      This is with AXA thru First Ireland.

      Last year I paid slightly more, just myself named, no commercial use, fully comp with St. Paul thru Reg Love Insurances (3rd party F&T would have been about €250 less).

      If you want to try these brokers, I have used Reg Love for the last 15 years or so with no complaint, pity they just couldn't match the other offers this year, ring Grainne on 8303155, tell them I sent ya, know them well as most of my familys insurance (both private and commercial) has been with them for over 20 odd years, I'lll hope the can do the business for me next year come renewal. Or Keith Butterly at First Ireland was very helpfull and efficient this year, no experience of them other than this years policy, he's at 8820869
      Hilux Surf FAQ at www.hiluxsurf.eu


      • #4
        Originally posted by UDTrev
        Hi Mark,

        Just a suggestion here, have you tried FBD ?

        I am sure they cover Surfs

        I rang FBD once some years ago, was told they would only accept me as a customer if I was involved in Farming!
        Hilux Surf FAQ at www.hiluxsurf.eu


        • #5
          Comp with Hibernian for around €1100. Full license and bonus and I'm 31.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Morr
            I rang FBD once some years ago, was told they would only accept me as a customer if I was involved in Farming!
            Ok mate, sorry about that, I thought it may help.

            Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


            • #7
              Originally posted by UDTrev
              Ok mate, sorry about that, I thought it may help.

              HeI'm sure all help is appreciated, and perhaps their policys have changed since then. Its never any harm to throw a name into the ring, especially as many of the lesser known names (FBD inclded) can easily be overlooked.

              I hope they have changed what I thought was a very unusual requirement.
              Hilux Surf FAQ at www.hiluxsurf.eu


              • #8
                Yep, all help is surely apreciated. Thanks for the replies.

                I called AXA directly myself and asked why one broker could get me a quote on a 1992 Surf, but not a 1990 Surf, given that they are both Jap imports. They said they don't know - they will only insure an import if you change from a non-import car to an import DURING your policy term.

                Interestingly, they also said that if I have a written proposal from a broker for a given price, for any car, they have to honour it. Sounds logical to me, but I'd have my doubts - anyone any thoughts?

                Anyway, UDTrev - You are this month's prizewinner! God bless you! I called FBD this morning. I told them every detail about my Surf, my wife & myself (well, obviously not every detail...). Wife (33, clean full licence for 10 years, 4 years NCB) as the main driver, with me (36, clean full licence for 5 years, 4 years named driver NCB), JAPANESE IMPORT!!! 2446cc, deisel, 5 seats, windows, private use - €641 fully comp!! That's with full NCB protection. If we didn't want the NCB protection, it'd be €579 fully comp. They've sent me proposal form in the post today!

                We're going camping this weekend, so it's very disappointing we won't be able to go in the Surf - we'd all been really looking forward to going in "the jeep", but at least I know it'll be sorted in a day or two.

                Thanks All,



                • #9
                  Excellent news Mark, and under budget too!
                  Glad to see FBD have coped on.
                  Nice one Trev, you were right to throw it into the ring.

                  Hmmm, wonder if FBD will quote me for commercial cover when next year comes round .......
                  Hilux Surf FAQ at www.hiluxsurf.eu


                  • #10
                    We're going camping this weekend, so it's very disappointing we won't be able to go in the Surf - we'd all been really looking forward to going in "the jeep", but at least I know it'll be sorted in a day or two.
                    Whadda ya mean "the jeep" I think you better rephrase that...!!!



                    • #11
                      That's what my 4 year old boy calls it. He's allowed. But I am guilty and am experiencing deep remorse...

