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Cancelled Operation.....

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  • Cancelled Operation.....

    I was due to be operated on Monday but got a call today to say it was cancelled. Short notice or what??!!

    The excuse i was given was the slot was being reassigned to a more urgent patient. It sounded like BS to me so i said...If your patient is that urgent why are they not being operated on today or tomorrow?? Why Monday, and why my slot?

    I explained i'd been waiting for this op for just over a year since the past op failed and that i'd already had confirmation of this op for the last 12 weeks. I then asked....How long will i have to wait for my op?

    The reply was....."I'm really sorry about this, i'll see what other dates we have or if we can move some patients around, and we'll get back to you." Again it sounded like BS to me.

    To say i'm upset and angry is an understatement, and right now i have absolutely no idea when this op is going to happen. I'd already made arrangements for a number of things and now all that has to be changed/cancelled. What a polava!!

    Has anyone else had the same experience, and is there anything i can do about it??
    Now it's time to play!

  • #2
    ok i work in private healhcare, all you can do is tell them that you have taken time off and had financial cost to your self. Other than that live and learn and go private. some patients i see have next day surgery.


    • #3
      Alas, part of the joys of the NHS really.

      The only things that I can suggest are getting in touch with your local Patient Advice & Liason Service (PALS) to see if there is anything they can do to help. If not then they may be able to advise you where to go next.

      Earlier this year my dad was due to have part of his foot amputated (due to gangrene) and the operation kept on being put off. First it was cancelled in the morning to be done in the afternoon. Then it was the next day, then it was a couple of days later. In the end, having been scheduled to have it done in the morning they took him through to theatre at about 4:30pm (it was the end of visiting hours and I stayed a fraction late cos I was waiting for them to take him in).

      They might have a reasonable explanation, even though they haven't given it to you. Chances are that they've either double booked or had trouble with someone being off sick and they need to cover emergency ops or something but it'd be better if they just told you straight what it was.

      Good luck in trying to sort it out!


      • #4
        Thanks for the PALS link, i'll take a look.
        Now it's time to play!


        • #5
          Yep, private healthcare, far better service and not as expensive as you think.

          I had a full body MRI scan done within 6 hours of my first consultation. A mate had to wait 4 months to be seen by the NHS (using the same scanner too).
          Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


          • #6
            Originally posted by Albannach View Post
            Yep, private healthcare, far better service and not as expensive as you think.

            I had a full body MRI scan done within 6 hours of my first consultation. A mate had to wait 4 months to be seen by the NHS (using the same scanner too).
            Is that the scan, where instead of a heart, they found a brick swinging, on a bit of rope...
            Non intercooled nothing.


            • #7
              Originally posted by gwh200 View Post
              Is that the scan, where instead of a heart, they found a brick swinging, on a bit of rope...
              Aye, that's the one. There's a picture of it on FB
              Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


              • #8
                Only thing about operations, NHS or private, is going in for a simple procedure and coming out neutered!! It happens!!
                Now it's time to play!


                • #9
                  Make sure if you have it done on the NHS that they do the adam's apple as well.
                  People can tell otherwise.

                  Sent from the iPad you "lost"


                  • #10
                    Yeah, why not!! Perhaps a breast reduction and sheep vag as well while they're at it.

                    And all i wanted was a new brain and a 6" lift!!
                    Now it's time to play!


                    • #11
                      I wonder if they really taste like lamb.
                      Sent from the iPad you "lost"


                      • #12
                        hehehe....Fudged if i know. Never got that close to a sheep before, despite several years living in North Wales.
                        Now it's time to play!

