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That's always nice...

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  • That's always nice...

    I decided to fill the truck up on the way home from work today... It was pretty empty and took 65 litres!

    While I was standing and filling not one but TWO people made a point of complimenting me on it...

    Silly and cost nothing I know but in a place surrounded by all sorts of expensive cars for people to have nice things to say about a 14 year old Toyota truck really made my day!
    More Lift.
    More Tyres.
    More Engine.

  • #2
    Glad to see there are still a few friendly folk out there.


    • #3
      I'm always getting compliments on mine!

      Even though it's tatty and dirty, people love it 'cos it's big!

      I even had a bloke pull me over (asian bloke about 50, with his wife in the car) I thought he was going to tell me there was something wrong but he just wanted to ask about the truck!

      “Do or do not... there is no try.”


      • #4
        I get the same, and people love the Blue over Silver. Comparing it to modern trucks you can see why people like them, plus i think they have a real character all of their own unlike modern machinery.

        Look at it from any angle and you just can't help thinking it looks very cool!!
        Now it's time to play!


        • #5
          Yep! People can tell when you look after what you drive.
          Not so nice when jealous people vandalise it though.
          Oh Nana, what's my name?


          • #6
            Originally posted by dieselboy View Post
            Yep! People can tell when you look after what you drive.
            Not so nice when jealous people vandalise it though.
            That's a fact! But as i live in a rural village, come the holiday season it gets rather crowded on the small country lanes, A lot of the time there isn't any problems but, Now and then you always get one person who doesn't know the dimensions of the vehicle they are driving, it makes for some interesting encounters as invariably they can't reverse even if a passing place is 50mtrs behind them, they sit and look at you to reverse back 400/500yrds to the passing point on your own side of the road. I have had various marks left on my vehicle due to diving for the hedge thus, avoiding any incident but end up making a mess of the truck. I suppose it's the price i pay for avoiding living in crowded areas


            • #7
              I understand some people have difficulty driving. I don't mind reversing some way away. Like you said, sometimes even having to head for a bush as theyre in the middle of the road. I need to mount my camera on the dash to capture their faces. a little like this-> 0_0

              I like reversing, though. It's a bit of a challenge. Like Tetris.
              Oh Nana, what's my name?


              • #8
                Originally posted by dieselboy View Post
                I understand some people have difficulty driving. I don't mind reversing some way away. Like you said, sometimes even having to head for a bush as theyre in the middle of the road. I need to mount my camera on the dash to capture their faces. a little like this-> 0_0

                I like reversing, though. It's a bit of a challenge. Like Tetris.
                I don't mind reversing either, but when i have to reverse due to someone else's lack of ability i get a little miffed, anyway i have fitted a forward camera so if there is any accidents they can be recorded and used as evidence in a claim. I have done this due to an accident two years ago, that left me disabled and i had no witness's so it's my word against his.


                • #9
                  Random thought bubble that was popped by the original post in this thread...

                  My Surf has a 2 inch body lift. This means there is a 2 inch gap between the top of the fuel tank and the body of the truck.

                  Has anyone used this gap to fit a bigger fuel tank? It annoys the hell out of me when I'm on a long journey and need to stop to fill up with diesel cos I can't put enough veggie oil in for the whole trip!

                  If so, what fuel tank did you fit?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Rustinho View Post
                    Random thought bubble that was popped by the original post in this thread...

                    My Surf has a 2 inch body lift. This means there is a 2 inch gap between the top of the fuel tank and the body of the truck.

                    Has anyone used this gap to fit a bigger fuel tank? It annoys the hell out of me when I'm on a long journey and need to stop to fill up with diesel cos I can't put enough veggie oil in for the whole trip!

                    If so, what fuel tank did you fit?
                    I would like to as well! Annoying the tank is so small.
                    Oh Nana, what's my name?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by tonupteabag View Post
                      I don't mind reversing either, but when i have to reverse due to someone else's lack of ability i get a little miffed, anyway i have fitted a forward camera so if there is any accidents they can be recorded and used as evidence in a claim. I have done this due to an accident two years ago, that left me disabled and i had no witness's so it's my word against his.
                      Thats a good idea. I just meant usually I don't mind, but it would be a pain to most due to their thoughtlessness. I'm probably swearing at the same time as reversing though
                      Oh Nana, what's my name?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by dieselboy View Post
                        Thats a good idea. I just meant usually I don't mind, but it would be a pain to most due to their thoughtlessness. I'm probably swearing at the same time as reversing though
                        Aye mate i know what you mean! I tend to get a little verbal at times.
                        I'M ALWAYS IN THE SH'T, IT'S ONLY THE DEPTH THAT VARIES!!!!!!!!


                        • #13
                          What really gets my goat is people that don't aknowedge thanks if I stop and tuck in for them on the lanes around here.

                          They annoy me even more that the idiots that push on past a pull-in point because they are in a hurry, only to lose more time as a result because usually both vehicles have to stop and tip toe around each other.

                          While we are on it.... mini cab drivers.... how can someone that drives all day, day in, day out be so bad at it?
                          More Lift.
                          More Tyres.
                          More Engine.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Karma Supra View Post
                            What really gets my goat is people that don't aknowedge thanks if I stop and tuck in for them on the lanes around here.
                            I know I am in a bad mood when I get annoyed at people not acknowledging my wave of acknowledgment...


                            • #15
                              I NEVER reverse to a passing place if the nearest one is in front of me. If folk can't reverse, they shouldn't be driving forwards either. The last time I had trouble with a non reversing idiot, I got a picnic chair out and sat down to read the paper.

                              They shouted and swore a lot.
                              Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's

