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This is unbelieveable!

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  • This is unbelieveable!

    have a read at http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/news...mb-layers.html
    We might as well pull out our troops now as they are being sent to slaughter! It is like fighting with one hand tied behind your back. Time we sent politicians to the front line.

  • #2
    Did you consider the possibility that maybe the "Taliban" planting those roadside bombs are being coerced into doing it? I've certainly read of cases in Pakistan where they have taken family members hostage to force people to deliver bombs. Similarly, the likes of Hezbollah, Hamas, etc, force/trick children to act as suicide bombers too and they are hardly to blame either.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Rustinho View Post
      Did you consider the possibility that maybe the "Taliban" planting those roadside bombs are being coerced into doing it? I've certainly read of cases in Pakistan where they have taken family members hostage to force people to deliver bombs. Similarly, the likes of Hezbollah, Hamas, etc, force/trick children to act as suicide bombers too and they are hardly to blame either.
      Yes and it only encourages them further once they realise they can get away with it. A few civilians get shot and killed so they give up using civilians and try other methods. I have the t-shirt but not in any current conflicts.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Surf01 View Post
        ....... A few civilians get shot and killed so they give up using civilians and try other methods......
        That make you no better than the terrorists in my book. I'd expect better from someone who says they've been in the services and knows what killing people is about.

        4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


        • #5
          could someone explain why our brave soldiers are over there, iraq and afganistan, and anywhere else a country doesn't tow the line with the world banks,oil ,land ,pipelines,shipping routes etc


          • #6
            Originally posted by angloabroad View Post
            could someone explain why our brave soldiers are over there, iraq and afganistan, and anywhere else a country doesn't tow the line with the world banks,oil ,land ,pipelines,shipping routes etc


            • #7

              There's two issues that threaten to cripple the west - oil and heroin

              Russia was being ripped apart by heroin so they spent ten years and billions of roubles trying to sort out Afghanistan and failed - now it's our turn ...

              Life is too important to take seriously !


              • #8
                Originally posted by TonyN View Post
                That make you no better than the terrorists in my book. I'd expect better from someone who says they've been in the services and knows what killing people is about.

                Unfortunately in any war it is always the innocent civilians that suffer. The problem is that as a soldier on a front line you are under an enormous amount of stress and it is difficult to tell the good guys from the bad guys as they all look the same. If you feel your life is in danger, you will respond accordingly and if not you may lose your life.
                I do not agree with the war in Afghanistan or Iraq as it is a drain on our resources especially our young men.
                If Britain wanted to get involved in a war, why didn't she react when a vicious dictator killed thousands of civilians in Zimbabwe a former British colony with many British people living there? Why doesn't she react when British farmers who were given permission to buy the farms by the ruling Zim government after independence get thrown off their land and beaten up in jails? Surely Britain has more responsibility to these people than people in a totally foreign land where she has no interests.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Surf01 View Post
                  Unfortunately in any war it is always the innocent civilians that suffer. The problem is that as a soldier on a front line you are under an enormous amount of stress and it is difficult to tell the good guys from the bad guys as they all look the same.
                  That very true, and I agree 100%, what I didn't agree with was "A few civilians get shot and killed so they give up using civilians and try other methods." Thats a shite outlook.

                  Anyway you think they would stop using civilians? I seriously doubt it, they don't care about them, which is why it seems to me we need to. Every civilian shot is more ammo for their bullshit propaganda, so they get twofold bonus as they are hiding safely while an innocent person does their dirty work.

                  This is just another shock media story, don't fall for the hype, it makes sence in theroy, but that dosn't always relate to the front line. I don't envy any solider, it's the crappiest job in the world at times. But jumping up and down in anger at this storys headlines is a little short sighted IMO.
                  4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                  • #10
                    I suppose I could have phrased it better instead of doing a reality check. Don't forget about the civilians that get blown up when their vehicle hits a roadside bomb planted by the other civilians who may be innocent or not. There is no real answer to mindless terrorism that targets civilians and military.

