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whats the piont

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  • whats the piont

    of watching tv
    one good reason why watching tv is worth it?

    i hate the feker with a passion its a waiste of life
    it makes people lazy
    i now use the wifes tv for my cpu monitor has this cuts down the tv boolicks she watchs

    i have asked many people but i have yet to hear a proper answer to whats the reason for watching tv
    its like the whole nation is a fekin junky and tv is the drug you all crave
    do people watch tv
    i just dont get it
    its a waiste of life full on
    i hate the thing i should controle what crap gets beamed in to my house
    it makes people braindead and unheathy
    so you watch tv because?
    am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate

  • #2
    tv. the debate...

    Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
    of watching tv
    one good reason why watching tv is worth it?

    i hate the feker with a passion its a waiste of life
    it makes people lazy
    i now use the wifes tv for my cpu monitor has this cuts down the tv boolicks she watchs

    i have asked many people but i have yet to hear a proper answer to whats the reason for watching tv
    its like the whole nation is a fekin junky and tv is the drug you all crave
    do people watch tv
    i just dont get it
    its a waiste of life full on
    i hate the thing i should controle what crap gets beamed in to my house
    it makes people braindead and unheathy
    so you watch tv because?
    Odd one this. I've a mate who hasnt had a TV in years. I also only have one on sufference as the wee lass uses it to play on the wii. (when she is here)

    Einstein reportedly said when shown the first TV:

    "congratulations gentlemen, you've just invented the biggest time waster in history, use it well"

    For my part i use it for what its best at, an information source. since the advent of the internet however i used the telly less and less. I have an aversion to it as when me and the wife were together it was never off and although it was mainly kids telly, once the bairn was in bged she just changed channels ....i also fell intothe trap of "the discovery channel" and allthe mechanic programs... repeats and stuff...

    so... no telly, more of a filter on what i spend my time watching, which means if iwant to watch stuff, i actively seek it out, ergo the 2its on so ill watch it " situation is reduced.

    recently heard an advert for the sainsburies 10p off a litre promotion, which i wouldnt have known about if not for the telly..

    so essentially it has its uses, it an information resource, and if applied correctly it can be of great benefit, educational etc. however since the advent of "big brother" and other such mind numbing brain dead sh1t ...and enders etc, the "entertainment" side of the telly has indeed taken over life. too much so? well if you still have the ability and discipline to turn the damn thing off and do something else, then theres no harm done... when thats gone... and youre watching sh1t for the sake of it... then theres a problem.


    • #3

      Sent from the iPad you "lost"


      • #4
        Originally posted by Hesh View Post
        Einstein reportedly said when shown the first TV:

        "congratulations gentlemen, you've just invented the biggest time waster in history, use it well"
        I'd be prepared to bet a pretty sizeable sum he said nothing of the kind...


        • #5
          Originally posted by flounderbout View Post
          I'd be prepared to bet a pretty sizeable sum he said nothing of the kind...
          He married a Serbian woman as well, so he wasn't that clever.

          Sent from the iPad you "lost"


          • #6
            I watch TV because.............coverage of sport

            PS: Does NOT include Football, Golf or Snooker!


            • #7
              Originally posted by gbv2 View Post
              I watch TV because.............coverage of sport

              PS: Does NOT include Football, Golf or Snooker!
              Me too. And the occasional film.


              • #8
                I watch the odd film, F1 in HD, new episodes of the Simpsons, and currently 'The Kennedys'
                Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Apache View Post
                  I watch the odd film, F1 in HD, new episodes of the Simpsons, and currently 'The Kennedys'
                  HBO Series are good as well - definitely worth a watch. The Wire, Deadwood, Sopranos are all great. True Blood is fun too - proper gorn...


                  • #10
                    Most TV programmes are pretty crap IMHO but then again, I tend not to watch them! The only channels I go out of my way to watch/pay attention to are a quick blast of the news channels now & then, some documentaries, a bit of classic music (BBC4 Old Grey Whistle Test/Jools Holland stuff can be quite interesting at times, as was some of the recent Reggae Brittania season)...

                    I try to catch the Sky at Night if I notice that it's on as well. It's also pretty vital to try and keep up with some of the TV fads/fashions that kids at school are into so that I can focus their lessons in a way that (hopefully) they'll find interesting! (fat chance!)

                    I'm considering getting Freesat at some point, mainly because you can get Scuzz on it.


                    • #11
                      Good thread this. I think I,ll sit back now and watch everyone lining up to declare that they only watch the news , the test card and the occasional interesting documentary.
                      Сви можемо


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by flounderbout View Post
                        I'd be prepared to bet a pretty sizeable sum he said nothing of the kind...
                        oh ok, so it wasnt Einstein:

                        " Indeed today's television system is fundamentally the same as the one developed at EMI in the 1930s when Isaac Shoenberg turned to his team and said, "Well, gentlemen, you have now invented the biggest time-waster of all time. Use it well.""

                        taken from :



                        • #13
                          Why do I watch t.v?
                          Hmmm,some programmes can be entertaining .Some can be entertaining for all the wrong reasons.One man's "Topgear" is another's "Big brother".
                          The endless amount of repeats just sell advertising , surely nothing else?.
                          Watching the telly means that I don't have to talk to the wife while eating .
                          I generally record what interests me and then watch what I have recorded at a time that suits me.
                          No reality t.v ,never.
                          Soaps ,again ,never.
                          Some factual stuff ,some docu-dramas .
                          Some sport.
                          The remote control gives me personal choice of when and what I watch.


                          • #14
                            There are some excellent programmes on television. The trick is, to sort the wheat from the chaf...........Cheers.. (A salutation, not a recomendation to watch the show.).........Mick.
                            " Time wounds all heels ".


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Hesh View Post
                              oh ok, so it wasnt Einstein:

                              " Indeed today's television system is fundamentally the same as the one developed at EMI in the 1930s when Isaac Shoenberg turned to his team and said, "Well, gentlemen, you have now invented the biggest time-waster of all time. Use it well.""

                              taken from :

                              It is not really the person that is suspect, more the content. Given that those developing TV had no concept of the practical use it would one day have, the point is that they could equally not have appreciated that it would one day be considered a "time-waster". After all the wireless which it was barely supposed that it could replace at the time as an entertainment device wasn't considered to be a time-waster, so why would the TV? Also why would you dismiss so lightly an incredible technical advance your company had just made?
                              It has the smack of hindsight comedy - I suspect that either the Telegraph journo was having his leg pulled, or it was his joke.
                              If it is true, and I'd be surprised to see a genuine academic source, then it is probably the most prescient quote of all time. But I still have my doubts meself...

