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News of the World phone hacking...

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  • #16
    Originally posted by flounderbout View Post
    I stand corrected.
    Sorry - couldn't resist


    • #17
      All this outrage, yet the paper will probably sell more issues this sunday than ever...

      Back in the day Baby


      • #18
        Originally posted by Rustinho View Post
        The way the story seems to be developing tonight (links to police corruption and News International private investigators re: Daniel Morgan murder) I'm beginning to expect that some of those higher up the food chain might begin to become tainted with what has been going on. In the police as well as at News International.

        The dominoes are beginning to look lined up - the only question is are they standing close enough together to be toppled and if so how far down the line...?
        There was some very interesting stuff in the last Private Eye about a senior policeman on the investigation having expensive lunches with those high up in News Int in the middle of the investigation which he claims were nothing just personal and wholly coincidential.... All stinks to me.


        • #19
          The police have also been in touch with another couple of parents aswell whose kids have been murdered.They think that their phones were hacked aswell.This was on our local radio station this afternoon.
          These papers should not be allowed to get away with things like this.Especially as the parents thought their kids were still alive


          • #20
            Still there are journalists who claim phone hacking is ethical and they would do it to get a story... fleetstreetfox

            Back in the day Baby


            • #21
              I don,t think phone hacking is ethical at all by anybody at any time and especially by journalists trying to get a story. However as the original post says, the nation in general think its probably OK if its done to get something on a "cheating" celebrity or a "speeding" politician or other high profile person.
              Taking the simplistic view, phone hacking is the same as steaming open someones mail, or sneaking into their house for a poke around in their personal items. It,s not on, it,s not ethical and nobody should condone it for any reason at all ever.
              Сви можемо


              • #22
                Originally posted by Bogus View Post
                I don,t think phone hacking is ethical at all by anybody at any time and especially by journalists trying to get a story. However as the original post says, the nation in general think its probably OK if its done to get something on a "cheating" celebrity or a "speeding" politician or other high profile person.
                Taking the simplistic view, phone hacking is the same as steaming open someones mail, or sneaking into their house for a poke around in their personal items. It,s not on, it,s not ethical and nobody should condone it for any reason at all ever.
                I'm with Bogus. I am no fan of celebs or politicians, but they are actually human beings too, even if some of them don't always act like it. And what their private lives have got to do with any of us is beyond me.


                • #23
                  Its done to make money as an business....it sells papers.
                  In reality journalism is not there for the greater good or handed down from God , its a business that sets out to make money.

                  Would you or I get off if we stole private information to make money.

                  Back in the day Baby


                  • #24
                    I see the News of the World is being axed following the latest phone hacking revelations.

                    Hopefully those running the ship will also face some sort of criminal charges.
                    Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Apache View Post
                      I see the News of the World is being axed following the latest phone hacking revelations.

                      Hopefully those running the ship will also face some sort of criminal charges.
                      They knew nothing!


                      • #26

                        Anybody care to put some odds on News International introducing a 'new' Sunday paper in the next 12 months ?

                        Life is too important to take seriously !


                        • #27
                          Nope...a seven day a week sun.
                          Non intercooled nothing.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by gwh200 View Post
                            Nope...a seven day a week sun.
                            That obviously wont be coming out in Wales.

                            Sent from the iPad you "lost"

