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Fear of flying

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  • Fear of flying

    I don't particularly like flying, But I would love to do this. Mig Passenger.
    This guy's face is a hoot as he suffers the G's.
    If any of you have a Mig, or any jet fighter, can I have a go please?

    Sent from the iPad you "lost"

  • #2
    You really want to do this, I had to go up in stunt plane (prop driven) flown by an aerobatic team... and then they started... F*** we were pulling + and - 4.5 to 5 G...no pressure suit ..jeans and a T shirt

    I was not good... negative G...terrible ...if you want your stomach contents to come up try it
    Last edited by Vultch; 27 June 2011, 18:42.

    Back in the day Baby


    • #3
      I know, stuff you want to do, then when you do it, you wish you hadn't.

      I'll add Chinese women and throwing hand grenades.

      Sent from the iPad you "lost"


      • #4
        Not in the same league but back in the day when I was a lowly air cadet had the privilige of being in a chipmunk with an old ww2 pilot who had a dog fight with his pal over the Kent coast .

        Still bore my kids with the story at least once a year


        • #5
          In a similar vein, I was once flown to and from Benbecula from Llanbedr in a DeHavilland Devon by an ex-Luftwaffe F-104 pilot.
          Cutting steps in the roof of the world


          • #6
            I flew Dan air once...and survived.
            Non intercooled nothing.


            • #7
              Originally posted by slobodan View Post
              I know, stuff you want to do, then when you do it, you wish you hadn't.

              I'll add Chinese women throwing hand grenades.

              John. Are there no limits to the depths of your sexual perversions?.......There you go, mate.........Enjoy....Cheers.. ..Mick.
              Attached Files
              " Time wounds all heels ".


              • #8
                You misunderstand me, I meant them as two separate entities.

                Sent from the iPad you "lost"


                • #9
                  Originally posted by slobodan View Post
                  You misunderstand me, I meant them as two separate entities.

                  What, throwing Chinese women, and then something to do with hand grenades?.....Confused now......Cheers....Mick.
                  " Time wounds all heels ".


                  • #10
                    i have always had a passion for ww2 plains myself
                    if i had the chance i like to go up in a zero
                    or try the flip and fall in a bf109
                    but thats just me
                    am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate

