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Multi Core Processors

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  • Multi Core Processors

    I'm buying a new computer next week and am a little confused about the processors. When they quote the speed of a multi core chip does it relate to the overall speed of the chip or the speed of each core on it's own?

    I only surf the net, Photoshop (very large file sizes 35M plus), and edit video occasionally.

    Is it worth getting an i5 quad core for £150 more or would a i3 dual core be enough. The i3 is 3.2 Ghz and the i5 is 2.5 Ghz the rest of the spec. is pretty much the same.

    Any advice would be appreciated.
    Last edited by Long way 'round; 22 June 2011, 22:37.

  • #2
    If your just want to surf the web, then no you do not need an i5 or i7 for that matter.

    Bala Mud, best underseal there is, only £30 per application.



    • #3
      Have a look on the Dell outlet store, I just picked up an i3 Inspiron R15 with a good spec and HD screen for £280 delivered. All that was wrong with it was a couple of bubbles in the lid cover (which is replaceable).


      • #4

        As with everything, get the best you can afford. RAM & processing power are your friend with PS, especially if your editing RAW files.

        If you get a lower spec, chances are it'll be bogged down by newer software in 2-3yrs..where as a better spec will get you a yr or two further on before your feeling the need for an upgrade.


        • #5
          So 2-3 years extra life for £150 more. No brainer.

          Thanks for that.


          • #6
            Or cut through the crap and get a Mac....
            .... Which was nice.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Overland Tonka View Post
              Or cut through the crap and get a Mac....


              • #8
                Originally posted by Overland Tonka View Post
                Or put a dress on and get a Mac....
                Do they come in pink?

                Sent from the iPad you "lost"


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Overland Tonka View Post
                  Or cut through the crap and get a Mac....
                  Oh it'll be a Mac alright. I don't have the patience to nurse a neurotic windows PC through every little operation, 2gig to run just windows is a joke and I've got enough on my hands (Wife, 2 year old twin boys, a Sibe Husky and of course the Surf) without the never ending maintenance of a windows PC.

                  My current computer is a 6 year old Powerbook G4, in all that time I've only ever had two problems. The poor battery performance, at least it hasn't exploded like they used to and hot chocolate courtesy of the 2 . It's still working but it's not running new software very fast.

                  So the new one will be an iMac.


                  • #10
                    Rumour control states the new MacPros are waiting in the wings for Lion to appear..

                    Back in the day Baby


                    • #11
                      they will be multi core apples next
                      am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate

