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long shot please help URGENT

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  • long shot please help URGENT

    hi guys just managed to replaced top seal and o ring on fuel pump and nice and dry

    however both cables from the stat are broken and so are the connectors they had gone brittle

    does anyone have these connectors with a as much cable connected as poss if so how much would you want

    so i can re-splice as no temp gauge at the mo my fan is on an overide switch so not overly concerned but would prefer is fixed

    thanks in advance

    Last edited by BAV1; 18 June 2011, 14:44.

  • #2
    Hi BAV1,

    When the cables on mine broke in the connector,
    I simply drilled thru it with a 1.5mm drill and pushed
    some new cable thru, and fitted them back on to
    sensors, been like that for 2 years with no probs.

    Hope this helps.

    If it aint broke, keep goin' till it is.


    • #3
      cheers mate prblen is allthe connectors are smashed looks like last garage did it and placed them all back together

      so need new connectors will be fitting a second temp gauge when funds allow



      • #4
        Your best bet is pm either Vince, TonyN , lord lucan, only guys i think that might possibly have some spare bits of engines knocking about, i assume you talking about the senders on the stat houseing and it a 2.4? is so a sender from a toyota corolla will fit, plus it has a slightly lower cut in setting,
        then fit an aftermarket temp gauge and forget the original,
        Too young to die and too old to give a toss


        • #5
          hope they see this

          any ideas on best place for aux gauges Oil pressure gauge on dash hasnt worked for a while

          so may as well get water temp ,oil temp and oild pressure gauges fitted anyone out there got pics and more info on this would like to get stock working again though as a less accurate backup

          thanks guys please help


          • #6
            made this for mine, fitted where the center vents are/were but it means some serious cutting of the dash, if ya dont fancy that pods are your best bet, fit em practially anywhere,
            Attached Files
            Too young to die and too old to give a toss


            • #7
              cheers mate do you have any pics of that installed

              and rough costing not sure missus would approve of more expense as she really wants rid of it as it is its on very thin ice lol and don't want to get rid

              Last edited by BAV1; 20 June 2011, 10:24.


              • #8
                Sorry Bav not taken any pics of it fitted but i can tomorrow if you want, the pods can be a bit expensive so if you handy with alloy or wood and filler you could knock up a 3 gauge pod (summat like the trucks inclinometer, if you have one) and stick it on top of the dash, it'd mean running all wires/tubes etc through a hole and it's not easy to get at from underneath, you could run them up the edge of the dash, prob the easiest way! i'll take a pic tomorrow as i've run wiring up there, the pic is the plate before fitting, just some alloy plate, holes cut with a holesaw but a file would do it, stuck a pic of the inclinometer so you get the idea, either cover it with fabric or sand and spray with satin finish black, also a pic of the old 3 gauge plate i used to have,

                to fit the gauges there you need to remove the center vents and drink holder, make your plate and cut away the dash surround so it fits, remove the air duct and blank it off and thats about it
                Attached Files
                Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                • #9
                  Not so urgent then?
                  Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                  • #10
                    cheers mate managed to get stock connectors but i will be doing this at some point as i want to tour norway and theres no way im doing it with stock gauges

                    as it is oil pressure guage has given up

                    cheers mate

                    got any pics of your truck


                    • #11
                      Forgot to take some pic as i've been running wiring for the sterio (doing my nut in) but did find the old 3 gauge plate (in the pic's), if it's any use to you pm me your address and i'll wip it off to ya,
                      Attached Files
                      Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                      • #12
                        hi mate if you dont want anything for it would be much appreciated it exactly what i intend doing

                        been checking all my earth points to try and sort gearbox issue so know the feeling mate

                        j bavington
                        50 ainsworth road

                        dont seem tohave the ability to PM or email directly was just looking into that

                        cheers mate
                        Last edited by BAV1; 21 June 2011, 17:46.


                        • #13
                          Yeah mate, sorry, forgot ya need the blue star for that, ok, i'll get it in the post to you, hopefully tomorrow,
                          electricle problems are a real bstd arnt they? bl00dy sterio better be worth it,
                          Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                          • #14
                            cheers mate much appreciated

