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Forum Member needs some help

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  • Forum Member needs some help

    A member of the forum has a problem and he is too embarrassed to ask for help so I shall ask for him , No names mentioned

    You can all see his problem from the piccie.

    So do your best gang
    Attached Files
    DUNNO'S BACK ..........He never really went away!

  • #2
    Crop circles are becoming a big problem for farmers. The big question is, are they man made by drunken students with too much time on their hands or are they made by aliens?

    I hope it doesn't affect the land owners yield too much
    It's only a hobby!


    • #3
      Alopecia areata, is a common thing in the offroading scene. It is caused by going over bumpy ground to much and continuous rubbing/banging of the head on the roof lining is the above pictured result.
      Best cure is to by a can of Toyota black spray and spray offending patch, do not spray a thick layer but rather build up a nice finish in several thinner layers. Place head in oven at 200 deg C prior to and after spraying to obtain the correct temperatures for the spray to work effeciently.
      With all things like this do not use in confined spaces but well ventilated areas, make sure you use a mask and plenty of soft ground covering so when others see the finished result, they don't hurt themselves falling over when they can't stop p*****g themselves laughing.
      Last edited by Koi; 27 July 2004, 09:19.
      Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

      My 4x4
      My choice
      Back off


      • #4
        How about this for the perfect solution

        Charlie Don't Surf..http://static.photobox.co.uk/public/...10805138.s.jpg


        • #5
          the only help that forum member needs is to stop back seat man taking pictures when HE'S on the HUMP I'm getting one of these now and see a shrink as you have made me very upset going out in public with my solar panel

          R well least i now taking the heat off our leader.
          Last edited by pops; 27 July 2004, 11:25.
          Enjoying Life after Cancer


          • #6
            Originally posted by pops
            taking pictures when HE'S on the HUMP
            Being photographed on the job oh errrrrrrrr you got the wrong site for that sort of thing.
            Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

            My 4x4
            My choice
            Back off


            • #7
              there is a spray-on hair cannister available - the problem is it costs an absolute fortune - so to save money use a tin of Silly String.

              lots cheaper, but has the drawback of being a little bit thicker than normal hair and comes in strange colours.

              or you could always give out sunglasses to anyone taller than you!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Draig
                there is a spray-on hair cannister available - the problem is it costs an absolute fortune - so to save money use a tin of Silly String.
                dont be SILLY thats wot the rest of it is[

                lots cheaper, but has the drawback of being a little bit thicker than normal hair and comes in strange colours.

                or you could always give out sunglasses to anyone taller than you!
                as for sunglasses!!!! PUT UP WITH THE GLARE after all sun dont shine long here does it[
                Enjoying Life after Cancer


                • #9
                  I would recommend 'Stone chip ' spray , well it sticks to your hands well enough when applying it to car bodywork so should last a while on your skull when washing whats left of your barnet .

                  Rick (lovely full head of lush hair)
                  Rick...Member of 1st Gen club. ONE LIFE ... GET ONE !!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Alun
                    How about this for the perfect solution

                    THINK Alun got the right idea, where,s the lolly pop shop

                    never had the bottle to have it all off had it down too grade 2.
                    Last edited by pops; 27 July 2004, 16:44.
                    Enjoying Life after Cancer

