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drivers door window regulator

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  • drivers door window regulator

    So the drivers door window has started to make some nasty crunching noises when it goes up ,sounds like my last car did when the cables started to fray on the regulator . I haven't had a chance to strip the door and have a look at it yet as bin working all the time.just wonderd if anybody had one for sale ,because I'm guessing the one placee to get a new on is Toyota as I can't find them on th R/T website .
    Always up to my neck in it

  • #2
    Sounds more like the mechinsm to me, wip the card off and grease the rack and some silicon grease in the rubbers, see if that improves things,
    Too young to die and too old to give a toss


    • #3
      If you need another one I have one, but try what Popeye said first.
      4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...

