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  • great site

    Just wanted to say great site & thnx to anyone who gave me advice. Decided to get rid of my Surf, as only seem to be using it to go to work and back at the minute. Good luck to everyone on here.

  • #2
    Hello I don't think I've spoken to you before but Bye!

    Edit: that sounded a bit rude! It wasn't meant to be - Good luck
    Last edited by puddlesurfer; 2 June 2011, 11:40.
    “Do or do not... there is no try.”


    • #3
      Originally posted by carl2509 View Post
      Just wanted to say great site & thnx to anyone who gave me advice. Decided to get rid of my Surf, as only seem to be using it to go to work and back at the minute. Good luck to everyone on here.
      Dont go, keep the surf,change the job,you could be happier in the long run,good luck


      • #4
        Still enjoy driving to work in something you love. Plus you can stare out the window at the sight of a great truck.
        .... Which was nice.


        • #5
          I feel as if I haven't got a surf at the minute, not driven it for over 3 week due to my van, still fires up instantly after being stood for nearly a month.
          If its not broke don't fix it.


          • #6
            Probably a wise move if your commuting, price of fuel and all, only reason i keep mine (enjoying working on it aside) is i dont need to use it everyday, the ideal is a small car for work and the surf for leasure driving but thats even more expence keeping 2 vehicles,

            i still get a slight "buzz" when people look at the truck and some say thats lovely, you've put a lot of work into that, only had one yob comment "piece of $hit" and i went for him, crapped himself, he wasn't expecting an old sod to have a go at him,
            anyway you can still join in on here, you dont have to have a surf
            Too young to die and too old to give a toss


            • #7
              Originally posted by si tate View Post
              I feel as if I haven't got a surf at the minute, not driven it for over 3 week due to my van, still fires up instantly after being stood for nearly a month.
              lucky bugga
              i aint driven mine since 30/4/2009
              she still fires up tho
              speaking of fires weres mi matchers
              am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


              • #8
                Hey Carl. I wish that I could drive mine as often as you do! Even so, I wouldn't want to be without it. If the cost of fuel is an issue, why not supplement your usage with veggie. Cheaper fuel bills and you get to keep your Surf.....What's not to like?....Cheers....Mick.
                " Time wounds all heels ".

