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Fuel price in Ireland

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  • Fuel price in Ireland

    A quick question for our Irish members. What is the price of diesel in Ireland at the moment?
    I am taking the truck to Galway and Mayo in a couple of weeks and am not sure whether to fill up before we leave Fishguard or leave it until we get to Roslare.

  • #2
    This any help Mark
    Buncefield Burner


    • #3
      Thanks, I've not seen that before. The full table on the link shows Irish diesel to be the equivilent of £1.28 per litre compared with around £1.41 here. A saving of £7-8 per fill up is worth having.

      Just a thought - How much is veg oil in Irish supermarkets?


      • #4
        You've a fair drive from rosslare to galway, in galway its E1.40/l at the moment, average is about €1.44, if your coming near Dublin i'll wave at you... Its 2hrs from Dublin to galway, and about 2 hrs from rosslare to Dublin motorway / dual carrageway from wexford to Dublin.

        Get in supermarkets ain't cheap but I can get it about €1 a litre,


        • #5
          Galway City is currently €1.439 for diesel and €1.529 for petrol.

          Galway County is around €1.409 for diesel and €1.499 for petrol.

          You could keep an eye on www.pumps.ie, or you could download an app called TheFuelApp, which is pretty accurate, and which will give you a list of prices close to you.

          If you're stuck for anything while you're here just drop a PM. I'm Galway City based.


          • #6
            Thanks guys. Looks like it will be a bit cheaper travelling in Ireland than here. If you see a UK reg blue and silver Gen 3 loaded up with bicycles in early July, give us a wave/light flash.
            Conversely, if you see 4 adults wobbling their way around Galway and Co Mayo in July, give us a wide berth!! 3 of us haven't been further than the pub on a bike for about 30 years!

