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Chicken Pox

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  • Chicken Pox

    I seem to have come down with chicken pox. I am currently coated in calamine lotion, desperately trying not to scratch the flesh away. Oh yeah, feel absolutely dreadful/flu like too.

    Absolutely dreading the next few days...

  • #2
    If its not broke don't fix it.


    • #3
      I had that in my 20s. Twice..
      it's in me shed, mate.


      • #4
        Isn't it called Shingles at your age?

        I've always been told it can make you impotant as an adult...

        Just thought I'd cheer you up!

        Get well soon bud.
        "B.A." Baracus: "Talk to me, talk sense so I can talk back. Not all this jibberjabber like breaking the peace and all that."


        • #5
          Originally posted by Chillitt View Post
          I had that in my 20s. Twice..
          I never had it as a kid but I caught it just over 2 years ago when my little 'un caught it. Harlan was only about 3 months old at the time and he couldn't co-ordinate to scratch any of his spots but otherwise he seemed ok with it. I was pretty much flattened by it for three weeks (over christmas! Bah humbug!) but only really got about half a dozen spots/blisters.

          About a fortnight ago the self same little 'un developed shingles (very rare for someone so young) and he was put on anti-virals to prevent nerve damage.

          My best guess is that I must've caught chicken pox again from Harlan's shingles spots.

          Originally posted by Wolfracer View Post
          Isn't it called Shingles at your age?

          I've always been told it can make you impotant as an adult...

          Just thought I'd cheer you up!

          Get well soon bud.
          Shingles & chicken pox are caused by the same virus but shingles is a re-emergence of the chicken pox virus infecting the nerves (hence the tendency with shingles to only produce spots on one side of the body)

          Impotency shouldn't be a problem caused by it!

          Cheers for the well wishes.

          Hardly slept last night cos I couldn't get comfortable because of all this damn itching!


          • #6
            Not nice!!!

            People always say you only get it once, but I have had it twice too!
            More Lift.
            More Tyres.
            More Engine.


            • #7
              One of the nasty little viruses you can catch as an adult that looks like chicken pox is (hands) foot and mouth disease. It is unrelated to the cattle variety so you won't have to be put down and burnt but produces very similar outbreaks on the skin to chicken pox. I went to the doctor the other month with a really ulcerated mouth to which he diagnosed this.
              Get well soon.


              • #8
                Bad luck. Not nice as an adult.
                Beer may dull the itching a bit?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by markp2 View Post
                  Bad luck. Not nice as an adult.
                  Beer may dull the itching a bit?
                  I don't really drink much these days, however now might be a good time to re-live my youthful excesses!

                  Tell you what though - it f00kin hurts when you get the stabby itchyness!

                  (EDIT: especially the pains in the gentleman vegetable region)
                  Last edited by Rustinho; 25 May 2011, 13:25.


                  • #10
                    OMG man!!

                    Well hope you manage to find some rest from the itchy stuff.
                    Always room for more power!!!!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Wolfracer View Post
                      Isn't it called Shingles at your age?

                      I've always been told it can make you impotant as an adult...

                      Just thought I'd cheer you up!

                      Get well soon bud.
                      I've always wanted to be seen as an important adult...........
                      " Time wounds all heels ".


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Rustinho View Post
                        I don't really drink much these days, however now might be a good time to re-live my youthful excesses!

                        Tell you what though - it f00kin hurts when you get the stabby itchyness!

                        (EDIT: especially the pains in the gentleman vegetable region)
                        more than 3 scratches is classed as interfering with yourself!
                        “Do or do not... there is no try.”

