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LEZ protest

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  • LEZ protest

    One of the lads on the Hilux forum has been working hard on the LEZ issues, have a look at this.


  • #2
    You have to be a HPOC member to view the forum.


    • #3
      This is the first post

      Hi guys

      Just a brief insight into what i'm doing regarding the latest phase of the London Low Emisssion Zone.

      The Industry I am in, Breakdown and recovery, has been hit and will be hit harder still by the LEZ.
      I have been kicking up a bit of dust recently within our circles and getting things moving forward towards a meeting with TFL and more to the point personally with Boris Johnson and his cronies.

      Lots has gone on over the last few weeks and amongst things a conversation with our local paper and a very in depth chat regarding the issues facing our trade and indeed many others across London.
      I gave a whole host of examples and he was shocked at just what was coming, he had no idea...he does now!
      The photos were taken on Saturday of my truck and 2 other recovery companies local to me. The visual impact of a very large truck next to my 7.5 tonner and a street lifter should be good.

      I've spoken to a neighbour who just so happens to be a Lib Dem councillor. He was also shocked at what I told him. More to the point I educated him on many facts that the LEZ will bring including the costs of replacement COUNCIL VEHICLES, the cost of filters to fit to many of their vehicles and a whole list of other problems that brings....LOL...should of seen his face!

      He assured me that he will chat with my local MP Tom Brake. We've met plenty of times when I was standing for UKIP in the local council elections, he's a good lad and I know he listens to people.....especially when it can potentially be damaging for him...I look forward to our chat!

      So....HPOC, how does the LEZ hit you in respect of your 4x4, work, play or anything else that this may cause you problems with.

      My intentions are to get what I want for our industry but also should they fail to play ball I want to organise a rolling protest of vehicles and industries hit by the upcoming LEZ.

      Are you or any other people you know up for a bit of fun?
      The internet is a very powerfull tool and that combined with the many tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of people hit by this it should be easy to get a fair few people on a drive through London.

      Recovery trucks.
      Removal Trucks.
      Scaffolding Trucks.
      Builders Merchants.
      Builders vans
      Plumbers vans
      Electricians vans
      Skip lorries
      Cement mixers
      Ice cream vans
      Snap on tools vans
      Charity vehicles
      Mini busses

      Etc etc....you get the idea!

