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Importing from the EU

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  • Importing from the EU

    Has anyone got any experience in importing a used vehicle from Germany to the UK?
    From what I've read, there is no tax to pay, just get it here (on temporary german plates) Change the headlights and MOT it and a bit of paperwork.
    Last time I done it was 20 odd years ago when you had to pay import duty etc.

    Sent from the iPad you "lost"

  • #2
    Info here...

    Seems it's a doddle if the vehicle is over ten years old.


    • #3
      I imported a Opel Corsa from Ireland into the UK. Customs didn't look for any import duty at all. The only thing I had to do was get a Conformity Certificate from Vauxhall saying the car was made in the EU & then forward the paperwork to dvla to get the car re-registered. The only incidental costs I incurred was getting the cert of Vauxhall which was about £40 & then insurance to put it through the mot.
      The only area of concern was VAT rates. The UK rates are lower than Ireland's so they didn't look for anything.
      If, Germany's VAT rate is lower than the UK, at the time of the original purchase then the UK MAY look for a portion of the difference between the countries VAT rate.
      Hope this helps some bit.


      • #4
        Cheers lads, Looks simple enough. I'll give it a bash.
        Sent from the iPad you "lost"

