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Well that didn't last long :(

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  • Well that didn't last long :(

    Woke up this morning, looked out of my window and there was a big space where my truck is usually parked...

    Even went outside and looked up and down the street, just to make sure I hadn't parked it elsewhere and forgotten it.

  • #2
    No way man????!!!!!

    What the???


    • #3
      Left it at the pub and got a cab home?



      • #4
        Sorry to hear that mr.
        Non intercooled nothing.


        • #5
          Sorry to hear that, guess thieving scumbags are world wide, hope your cops are a bit more on the ball regarding "minor crime" than ours,
          Too young to die and too old to give a toss


          • #6
            If anything, the cops here are even more laid back! They didn't bother checking my old truck over when it got broken into, and they didn't bother to do anything this time either. Basically, they just wait till it shows up in a few days as a burnt out wreck.

            That'll teach me for wanting a nice looking car. Guess its back to driving shitters eh.


            • #7
              Well mate I gotta say, you are handling this very well, I take my hat off to you, I would be going mental if someone did that to mine.
              Really sorry to hear this. Police are not worth a shit. Unless you told em there was a 2 mnth old baby inside at the time, THEN they might at least make some inquiries


              • #8
                Sorry to hear about your truck dude - I'd be gutted if some one nick mine.
                “Do or do not... there is no try.”


                • #9
                  Originally posted by bimmaman View Post
                  Woke up this morning, looked out of my window and there was a big space where my truck is usually parked...

                  Even went outside and looked up and down the street, just to make sure I hadn't parked it elsewhere and forgotten it.
                  Hey Carl, really sorry to hear that. It was a really nice truck. You'd just put those nice wheels on too. That really sucks! Hope you get it back ok.....Cheers....Mick.
                  " Time wounds all heels ".


                  • #10
                    thats shit dude...sorry to hear bout your truck


                    • #11
                      hope someone gets mine this week at least its insured till then, then I can get a nice little micra and insure that cos this is going to be 600 quid over what it was last year. H


                      • #12
                        gutted to hear that too

                        theiving scum

                        Originally posted by Hazzo View Post
                        hope someone gets mine this week
                        mine as well...


                        • #13
                          Just an update...

                          Truck still hasn't turned up. Insurance offered me $7250 for it (I paid $8500 for it not long ago), so now it looks like I have a fight on my hands...

                          Went to get it valued today by a 4WD specialist, who valued it at $10,000... Said he might even get $11,000 for it on a good day. Just hope the insurance company don't take too long to decide - I'm leaving NZ soon!


                          • #14
                            Well i guess insurance companys (like cops) are the same as ours too, they always try a knockdown price first, you returning to the uk then?
                            Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by POPEYE View Post
                              Well i guess insurance companys (like cops) are the same as ours too, they always try a knockdown price first, you returning to the uk then?
                              Yep. Not sure when exactly, but I'm thinking sometime in the next 1-3 months... It's gonna be weird going back - it's only been 3 years, but a lot can change in not much time...

                              Also need to sort myself somewhere to live, a job, and some transport

