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Red Cars

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  • Red Cars

    Anyone notice how many red cars have faded paintwork these days,or is it just me.
    Seem to be mainly Vauxhall ????

  • #2
    Think thats been a red car car thing for many years mate, I used to work for Ford and they were bad for it, now I work for Vauxhall and they are bad for it! Its something to do with the oxides that that make up the pigments in the paint.

    That said they dont make a lot of straight red cars nowadays, which is a shame cos I really like red cars my current daily driver is a 10 year old Pug 406 estate in red and it`s still as red as the day it was new but Peugeot lacquer all there cars, have done for years, whereas previous to water based paint there was no need to lacquer a solid colour car.

    Rest assured though modern cars dont suffer the same fate as since the switch to water based paints all cars are lacquered not just the metallics other wise the paint would just wash off!


    • #3
      Like red but will never buy one again, had an Audi 80 & it was a fantastic car but I was forever T-cutting it, otherwise it went pink.
      If its not broke don't fix it.


      • #4
        Originally posted by HONEST AL View Post
        Anyone notice how many red cars have faded paintwork these days,or is it just me.
        Seem to be mainly Vauxhall ????
        yup notice it alot myself....mainly astra's i see it happen
        old toyota starlets and carina's 92 - 94 models too but not as much
        as the astra's

