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Electric Aeriel

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  • Electric Aeriel

    My electrical aeriel has chewed itself up and attempted to spit itselt out.

    I know the I can get a replacement mast off RT for £42 + the postage, but I was wondering if there was an alternative aeriel available which was either hidden or stubby like the one on a 5 series BMW.

    Any suggestions?

  • #2

    Try that, not sure what the quality is like but it`s cheap enough. There are alternative`s like using your rear window heater element as an aerial or there are are a stack of people on ebay selling fake bmw shark fin units however the original bmw unit is only a gprs receiver not an aerial, it`s just not up to the job so you get rubbish reception.

    There are a stack of weird and wonderful contraptions out there claiming to give you the best reception, hidden, amplified, screen mount, stubby, flexible etc etc but truth be told none of them will live up to the original aerial mast for reception and non are as easy to fit!


    • #3
      Thanks for that.

      My fear with the replacement mast is that the 13 year old motor or some of the cogs on the uppy/downy bit might also be fubar'd.

      We have pretty good reception in most areas over here, so might look at a stubby yaris aerial or the like; if that doesn't work I can always revert back to the original.


      • #4
        I went for the full replacement aerial mate. I bought it here on eBay, it has a lot of adaptors one of which definitely fits the wing on my 3rd gen.
        'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


        • #5
          Thanks for that; that's a decently priced aerial (despite the postage cost!!).


          • #6
            Hi, i bought what looks to be an identical aerial from a local motor factors for pretty much the same price and the reception is amazing. The only fault i have is that the mechanism is a bit noisy when operating, but my truck is pretty noisy so it doesn't matter to me.
            And had to run seperate switch wire to radio which took about 2 mins.
            Non consternationes.

