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Tiller / rotavator and the excitement of The Good Life

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  • Tiller / rotavator and the excitement of The Good Life

    At risk of sounding like an old fart...

    I have an allotment which is difficult to stay on top of when good weather and not being at work rarely seem to coincide. Its been getting choked and overgrown.

    I've resisted getting a tiller for ages as there not ideal as they chop up the roots of the weeds and can make them come back harder but recently thought sod it and got a second hand 2-stroke mantis for £150.

    Its a god send and will take clodded earth to a fine tilth in minutes rather than hours doing it with a fork and rake.

    You do have to get rid of the top grass first otherwise its not so easy to get through but for anyone without time, energy or inclination it's great- its made my dads life a lot easier too.

    Would prefer a few acres with a swarm of chickens, a school of goats and a chav of pigs, with a tractor for the heavy work but this will have to do for now...
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  • #2
    Interesting - I was going to hire one of these soon because I have some beds that I want to dig which are grassed at the moment. BUt if the ones for £150 are OK then it may be worth buying instead.
    Either that or I can just wait until Lexurf VI is ready, stick some knobblers on it, and wheelspin the living crap out of it...
    Any suggestions as to getting the turf off the top? It is going to be backbreaking doing it all with the sliding a spade underneath method...


    • #3
      Do send my regards to margo and Gerry.
      The ledbetters that is.
      Non intercooled nothing.


      • #4
        Selling electric one`s in lidl for £50


        • #5
          Originally posted by flounderbout View Post
          Interesting - I was going to hire one of these soon because I have some beds that I want to dig which are grassed at the moment. BUt if the ones for £150 are OK then it may be worth buying instead.
          Either that or I can just wait until Lexurf VI is ready, stick some knobblers on it, and wheelspin the living crap out of it...
          Any suggestions as to getting the turf off the top? It is going to be backbreaking doing it all with the sliding a spade underneath method...
          Fork's easier than a spade but its still a pain if its a big area. Took me about an hour to do a 5ft square area last night but that was covered in grass and mint which has real ####### roots.
          If you do a little every now and again its not too taxing and almost pleasant. Almost.

          Welcome to borrow the tiller once I've done what I need to do (couple of weeks) if ou can get over to collect. (Might be able to get it over to nmy brothers shop in Guildford at some point and you could collect from ther)

          If its a big area I vote for getting someone else to do it. Plently of youths in need of some extra cash. In a pinch my nephew can get to Guildford easily enough and would probably do it for a reasonable hourly rate if you're desperate. He's 19, at uni and always needs cash.

          Alternatively, call 999 and 'inform' on whichever is your nearest local serial killer saying that when you were in the same cell in stir he confessed to more bodies and that you know the address of the graves... They'll be dig up in no time.

