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  • COD or BBC2

    I am always playing COD, I like world at war 2. I was talking to a guy at the weekend who swears Battlefield Bad Company 2 is better.
    Anyone play BBC?
    Is it any good?
    Sent from the iPad you "lost"

  • #2
    Play combat arms Europe sometimes, gets ruined by the little scrote`s who have found hacks for it but its free and runs rings round cod


    • #3
      Originally posted by schrodingers-cat View Post
      Play combat arms Europe sometimes, gets ruined by the little scrote`s who have found hacks for it but its free and runs rings round cod
      I like COD, but I only play on sites that kick hackers, aimbots etc.
      Sent from the iPad you "lost"


      • #4
        i play mw2 all the time the gf hates it lol every time i put the xbox on she grumps and trys to turn it off
        ***** Cheers Douggie *****


        • #5
          Used to play MW2 until I upgraded my computer to a 64bit Windows 7 model, now I can't get it to run properly, so gave up and play MoH Tier One instead. Have to say the graphics on MoH are better than MW2 and it isn't on Steam (a real pain using Steam) so that is a big advantage.

          Haven't tried BBC but the clan I used to play with thought it was better than MW1, so dropped their MW1 servers. At the time my old computer couldn't play BBC, so I gave up the clan and just stuck to other servers, although the aimbot/hackers were a real pain as well.
          Mike G


          • #6
            Personally, I wouldn't say one is better than the other as an overall game, they are both excellent but you have to use a much different game play for both, for instance, if you go to play battlefield with the same tactics you use in call of duty, you'll be dead in seconds. Battlefield is a bit more strategic where as cod is more arcade I guess is the easiest way to look at them.
            Have you tried Flashpoint, good game that.

            I need to get out more.


            • #7
              I have absolutely no idea what any of you just said!


              • #8
                Play World Of Tanks instead, its full of TANKS!

                Join the UKAWD clan (UK armoured warfare division) and look me up.



                • #9
                  I'm a mw2 junkie and have played black ops ,bbc2 dead space 2 online and found mw2 a better game but its ruined by the amount of hacks out there let's hope mw3 is a bit more hack proof!! Can't wait for gears of war 3 multiplayer!!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Shalershasker View Post
                    Personally, I wouldn't say one is better than the other as an overall game, they are both excellent but you have to use a much different game play for both, for instance, if you go to play battlefield with the same tactics you use in call of duty, you'll be dead in seconds. Battlefield is a bit more strategic where as cod is more arcade I guess is the easiest way to look at them.
                    Have you tried Flashpoint, good game that.

                    I need to get out more.
                    Thanks, I ought to have a go then. I like playing CTF on COD.
                    At least there's a bit of strategy.
                    Sent from the iPad you "lost"


                    • #11

                      Originally posted by VidaMusic View Post
                      I have absolutely no idea what any of you just said!
                      And me less than you ?????


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by HONEST AL View Post
                        And me less than you ?????
                        You don't wanna know, trust me. Once you're in... You're hooked.

                        Sent from the iPad you "lost"


                        • #13
                          I play that game called Life. It's not very good but I cannot finish it.

                          Oh Nana, what's my name?

