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please help,my beloved surf

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  • please help,my beloved surf

    Hello all,
    I recently had my 3.0l surf resprayed, 3 new doors and new bumpers, it looked amazing. I'm very sad to say that it was stolen last night. I live in east Devon, please, if anyone knows anything about it could you let me know via this forum. Me and my wife love the vehicle and had all the work done a couple of weeks ago after a lot of saving (nearly £2,000 ).
    The number plate is/was L617 GDV. Any help would be most grateful, sad to say but me and my wife are heartbroken.


    p.s. It's black all over, including the bull bar, the side steps have been taken off along with the wind deflectors.

  • #2
    I will keep a lookout when driving around the district. I work in the same dept at EDDC which deals with flytips etc and there hasn't been a Surf abandoned anywhere that I know of recently.
    Sorry to hear about your loss - it doesn't happen very often in this area.


    • #3
      Loss of a loved one

      Daz,did you take any photos by any chance ?


      • #4
        I never got the chance too take any photo's, it was due to go back to the garage yesterday (mon ) to have a little more body work done. Then i was going to take the photo's and put them on this site, i took the before shots but she was totally different when i got her back.
        All the chrome was blacked, all vinyl lettering taken off, rectangular spots instead of round ones. She still had the original wheels on.
        An import, manual, basically all black, my brother was comining down this weekend to tint the windows for me. Me and my wife are still in shock about it, we worked hard to save the money to get all the work done and some little **** comes along and steals our baby. The police think it was stole to order, i'm still hoping for a phone call.
        Thankyou to all of you for reading and watching out for her.
        I live in the eddc area by the sea, a very secluded area in a village where i have never heard of a car being stolen. we're still in shock about it.
        thanks again


        • #5
          sorry to hear about your loss, i hope your insurance cover is ok, the last couple of big 4x4's we have sold have gone for export the demand seems to have picked up abroad and they wont care about paperwork in some places.


          • #6
            just hope they find the truck Daz and you get it back.I will keep an eye out down here for you aswell.I got the reg written down so if it is spotted i will let you know


            • #7
              Sorry to hear about the theft. Must make you so livid and upset.
              Certainly won't escape the notice of this lot if anyone tries to sell it through the usual channels.
              It is hard to believe that people are stealing vehicles worth a few thousand pounds to order for export - just doesn't seem worth the risk or effort. But then the number of catalytic convertors that have been nicked around here from garage forecourts in busy areas just shows the lenghts that the barstewards will go to to make a few quid.
              Here's hoping it will turn up...


              • #8
                i think the fact they are cheapish here means they dont have the sophisticated immobilisers on them, prices must be high abroad, the guys who wanted our 4x4 mazda bought it without even looking at it.


                • #9
                  Gutted for you. I'm just about to go an buy one and i know i'd be sick if it was stolen. Hope you get it back.
                  Now it's time to play!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by ROMEROTECH View Post
                    Gutted for you. I'm just about to go an buy one and i know i'd be sick if it was stolen. Hope you get it back.
                    I can do you a nice black one with 3 new doors and new bumpers.....

                    Just kidding! Sorry to hear about your Surf Axsurf - I'd be pi$$ed off If mine when missing.
                    “Do or do not... there is no try.”


                    • #11
                      thanks all,
                      It's nice to know that there's more people looking for my surf.
                      It is all insured but as usual the company are dragging there heals a bit.
                      I've been looking online for a replacement when i get the insurance money, range rovers was the first i checked but i want my surf back, i've had the beauty for 6 years and all she needed was a new clutch,radiator,brakes,rear window motor,exhaust,doors,bumpers etc!, but i love her, sad sod that i am.
                      Thanks mark, i live on the devon/dorset border, the chap who resprayed my car is on the border of the 2.
                      thanks flounderbout, i was really fed up and hurt, it annoys me that even in the 21st century people still want to take what's not theirs, even the police said that it's not worth having anything a bit different. Me and my wife rent and around us are wealthy people with new audi's,bmw's and the like, so why pick on a normal working class couple that have worked hard for a vehicle that we love but isn't worth as much as the cars around us?
                      I'm rambling now, frustration!.
                      paddlesurfer, don't worry, i've just been down my local pub and someone i know has just said "go on daz, get p****d, after all, you're not driving", you gotta laugh, christ i shed enough tears yesterday!
                      I'll keep you all updated if i hear anything.
                      in the meantime i'm driving my wifes vauxhall combi van, thank the lord i work when it's dark!


