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Escaping the enemy

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  • Escaping the enemy

    Here`s one way to avoid a pull

  • #2
    Excellent, the old bill bottled it.
    Sent from the iPad you "lost"


    • #3
      Originally posted by slobodan View Post
      Excellent, the old bill bottled it.
      As you would if it was just work


      • #4
        And the ######## got 3.5yrs sentance yesterday. Perfect.


        • #5
          Just read some of the comments for that video and realised why I`m having so much trouble with my neck these days, it turns out I spend most days wandering round shaking my head at the stupidity of others!


          • #6
            A small part of me wishes the train had been doing 200mph and had vaporised the cnut.
            Cutting steps in the roof of the world


            • #7
              He gives fcukwits a bad name.
              Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


              • #8
                Originally posted by Apache View Post
                A small part of me wishes the train had been doing 200mph and had vaporised the cnut.
                The only thing that concerns me is the damage and loss of life of those on the train, quite lucky really that the train didn't derail.
                Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


                • #9
                  Originally posted by JD_975 View Post
                  Just read some of the comments for that video and realised why I`m having so much trouble with my neck these days, it turns out I spend most days wandering round shaking my head at the stupidity of others!
                  Too true. Beggars belief how many feckwits there are who don't even need to be chased by the boys in blue to try and get themselves chuffed to bits.

                  Thusly http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyCaU-6wVWI

                  Notice the shoe on the first tw@


                  • #10
                    Sh1t, couldn`t get closer than that first one. there would have been nothing left but a stain.
                    Bet he still has to change his pants thinking about that. Assuming he`s got the brains to comprehend what would of happened had it hit him


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by schrodingers-cat View Post
                      Sh1t, couldn`t get closer than that first one. there would have been nothing left but a stain.
                      Bet he still has to change his pants thinking about that. Assuming he`s got the brains to comprehend what would of happened had it hit him
                      I very much doubt he has.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by schrodingers-cat View Post
                        Here`s one way to avoid a pull
                        Why have you entitled your post "Escaping the enemy"? It makes it look like your sympathy lies with the piece of sh1t in the (stolen?) Merc....Mick.
                        " Time wounds all heels ".


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by MWS View Post
                          Why have you entitled your post "Escaping the enemy"? It makes it look like your sympathy lies with the piece of sh1t in the (stolen?) Merc....Mick.


                          • #14
                            Stupid B*******

                            I once saw a car that had been hit by a train, it was beige thats all I can tell you about the car because the car was so smashed out of shape it was unrecogniseable, I think it was either a Metro or a Fiesta. Very nasty.
                            “Do or do not... there is no try.”


                            • #15
                              It's little pricks like this that screw peoples lives up.When working on the railway i was called out to fatalities and its not a pretty sight.The train driver is the one to suffer most as he has to live with whats happened

