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WVO and plastic

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  • WVO and plastic

    Hello, I've had a search but I can't find the info I'm looking for.
    I have set-up up a little WVO filtering system, and I need a way to get the filtered stuff to the car.
    I have a pond pump that would be ideal and would save my having to buy something else.
    Does anyone know if a pond pump would be OK submersed in vegetable oil? I've read that it can degrade rubber and plastic but wondered if anyone had any first hand experience of it.

  • #2
    Originally posted by oneidadan View Post
    Hello, I've had a search but I can't find the info I'm looking for.
    I have set-up up a little WVO filtering system, and I need a way to get the filtered stuff to the car.
    I have a pond pump that would be ideal and would save my having to buy something else.
    Does anyone know if a pond pump would be OK submersed in vegetable oil? I've read that it can degrade rubber and plastic but wondered if anyone had any first hand experience of it.
    Hi Dan. Just depends on the flow properties and power of your pump motor. Pond pumps are designed to move water and not a higher viccousity fluid like oil. Have you considered something like these? www.tooled-up.com › Power Tools › Water Pumps .....Cheers.....Mick.
    " Time wounds all heels ".


    • #3
      Hi Dan, this won't be ideal but if ya like me ya have trouble carrying things (Got 2 walking sticks)
      I struggle but manage a 6 litre watering can with oil, about 25 feet to my Truck ..

      nearly 10 years of Surfs
      "Cos short cuts can cost more in the long run"
      Buncefield Burner


      • #4
        Your pump may well do it but be slow.#
        I think degradation happens more with biodiesel due do it's chemical content.#
        However, a TAM 105 pump is only about £40 and works perfectly for veg.#
        How far do you need to pump it?#

        I was considering setting up a hose line from the pump in my veg system all theway along the bottom of my fence in the garden to the drive with a nozzle at the end with a flow valve on it which would be a solution. I didn't go this route as I wanted to be able to blend with petrol.#

        I use a funnel and pour in via 10litre oil containers which I can hold with 1 hand whilst holding the funnel with the other.#

        You can get a variety of hand pumps and drill pumps work too. Some people even pressurise the oil containers via a bicycle pump or tyre pump then use this to force the oil from the container to the tank.#

        Give us a bit more detail if you can.#


        • #5
          Many thanks for the replies.
          I've considered the viscosity issue, whilst I've not tried it (so I'm fully prepared for failure ) I made an assumption that because the pond pump is very powerful in water, even if it's half as powerful in oil it would still pump a decent amount to where I want it.

          I will resign myself to carrying it if need be, I was attempting to be all fancy and lazy with a pipe system

          It's a little hard to explain but basically it doesn't have to go very far. The car is parked in a garage which incorporates a tool shed and a brick outhouse. If I carry it I'll have to take it from the outhouse through the tool shed to get to car, and depending on how tidy I am depends on how many hazards there would be to dodge
          If I drilled a hole in the outhouse wall, the oil tube could go through that and straight to the car, about 3 metres (so not very far).

          I wanted to buy as little as possible for the project so if I can't find a solution using something I already have (or can get on ebay for £10), then I'll have to not be lazy and carry it


          • #6
            Could you use gravity? Have the veg up high then use the pipe through the wall to the Surf with a nozzle on the end?


            • #7
              Originally posted by oneidadan View Post
              Hello, I've had a search but I can't find the info I'm looking for.
              I have set-up up a little WVO filtering system, and I need a way to get the filtered stuff to the car.
              I have a pond pump that would be ideal and would save my having to buy something else.
              Does anyone know if a pond pump would be OK submersed in vegetable oil? I've read that it can degrade rubber and plastic but wondered if anyone had any first hand experience of it.
              How are you filtering it...?? details please


              • #8
                Originally posted by biosurf View Post
                Could you use gravity? Have the veg up high then use the pipe through the wall to the Surf with a nozzle on the end?
                Unfortunately it won't work as the filler on the car will be higher than the container, but thanks for the suggestion.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by madcampbell View Post
                  How are you filtering it...?? details please
                  It's nothing spectacular but hopefully it'll do the job. I have a shelf on the wall that holds the 25l cubees of oil. They stay there for a couple of weeks to see if any water settles at the bottom of the oil. When it's ready I'll siphon it off into my barrel. I've got hold of a 205l plastic barrel. In the top I've cut two holes in which hang two 5 micron filters each hold 10l (I think). Inside the filters, I've converted some reuseable shopping bags into basic prefilters to capture any big bits of gunk so hopefully making the proper filters last longer.
                  I've drilled two smaller holes in the side of the barrel, one at the top and one at the bottom with a couple of elbows and a plastic pipe between them so I can check the oil level.

                  Now I just need a way to get the stuff back out again

                  So it's basic but hopefully will work OK


                  • #10
                    I have run on SVO and seen the benefits of it ££ but then SVO became too expensive an not worth the hassle. I have a free supply of WVO so may try this.

                    I always though you had to heat the oil to 60 plus degrees to separate the water then as you do leave it to settle...(thought this was too much of a faff)...but will the water separate from the oil without having to heat it up as just filtering and settling is worth the faff!!.

                    Let us know how you get on, Thanks



                    • #11
                      I think I read that heating the oil can have a negative effect on the oil, however I can't be sure of the exact details, I'll have a hunt for the article I read and if I find it I'll let you know.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by madcampbell View Post
                        I have run on SVO and seen the benefits of it ££ but then SVO became too expensive an not worth the hassle. I have a free supply of WVO so may try this.

                        I always though you had to heat the oil to 60 plus degrees to separate the water then as you do leave it to settle...(thought this was too much of a faff)...but will the water separate from the oil without having to heat it up as just filtering and settling is worth the faff!!.

                        Let us know how you get on, Thanks

                        Mark check it out here

                        nearly 10 years of Surfs
                        "Cos short cuts can cost more in the long run"
                        Buncefield Burner

